Snow Man | Questions Snow Man181 QuestionsAnswersReputations 0 Votes 1 Ans Is it possible to clone databases, tables, etc. across two snowflake accounts? Solved7.84K viewsFrank Bell Selected answer as best April 13, 2024Cloning and Time Travel 0 Votes 1 Ans How can I integrate Google Analytics into Snowflake? 6.59K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 7, 2023Integration to Snowflake 0 Votes 1 Ans How can you export data from Snowflake Data Cloud to a local file system? 6.48K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 7, 2023 0 Votes 1 Ans How does the generator function work in snowflake? 6.63K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 7, 2023Snowflake Functions and Procedures 0 Votes 1 Ans How does the unnest() function work in Snowflake? 9.84K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 7, 2023Snowflake Functions and Procedures 0 Votes 1 Ans How do you setup lambda functions with Snowflake? 6.58K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 7, 2023 0 Votes 1 Ans Is ELT better than ETL? 6.68K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 7, 2023Data Replication and Transformation 0 Votes 1 Ans What are Data Shares in Snowflake? 6.29K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 7, 2023Data Sharing and Collaboration 0 Votes 1 Ans Can I transform data from a delimited file when loading it into snowflake? 6.73K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 7, 2023Data Replication and Transformation 0 Votes 1 Ans What is a Snowflake Private Data Exchange? 6.60K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023Data Sharing and Collaboration 0 Votes 1 Ans How to connect to SnowFlake with SSIS? 7.15K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023Connecting to Snowflake 0 Votes 1 Ans How to query Snowflake with pyodbc? 7.00K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023Connecting to Snowflake 0 Votes 1 Ans When I try connect to the snowflake with sqlalchemy, I got a warning for time difference. warning message. How can I resolve this? 6.67K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023Connecting to Snowflake 0 Votes 1 Ans How do I fix delete statement failing when called from SSIS to Snowflake database? 7.35K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023Errors and Troubleshooting 0 Votes 1 Ans How do you flatten XML in the snowflake database? 7.84K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023SQL 0 Votes 1 Ans How can I repeatedly run a stored procedure in the snowflake database? 6.95K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023SQL 0 Votes 1 Ans How do I setup Autonumbers in Snowflake? 7.29K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023SQL 0 Votes 1 Ans How can I get the identity of the last row inserted into the snowflake database? 10.00K viewsnam_rata Posted new comment May 16, 2024SQL 0 Votes 1 Ans How can I perform backups in Snowflake? 6.78K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish June 30, 2023 0 Votes 1 Ans Can I connect to snowflake with python? 6.56K viewsAlejandro Penzini Changed status to publish June 30, 2023Connecting to Snowflake 1 2 3 … 7 8 Next »