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SQL to get the time difference?

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SQL to get the time difference?

Alejandro Penzini Answered question May 11, 2023

To get the time difference between two dates or times in SQL, you can use the TIMESTAMPDIFF() function. This function takes three arguments: the unit of time to return the difference in, the starting timestamp, and the ending timestamp. Here's an example of how to use this function to get the difference between two timestamps in seconds:

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SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, '2023-05-11 12:00:00', '2023-05-11 13:30:00');
This would return the value 5400, which represents the number of seconds between the two timestamps.

You can change the first argument to TIMESTAMPDIFF() to get the difference in other units of time, such as minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. For example, to get the difference between two timestamps in hours, you can use:

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SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, '2023-05-11 12:00:00', '2023-05-11 13:30:00');
This would return the value 1, which represents the number of hours between the two timestamps.

Alejandro Penzini Changed status to publish June 30, 2023

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