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How do you flatten XML in the snowflake database?

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How do you flatten XML in the snowflake database?

Alejandro Penzini Answered question May 9, 2023

To flatten XML data in Snowflake, you can use the XML processing functions and capabilities available in the Snowflake database. Here is an example of how to flatten XML data in Snowflake:

Create a table to store the XML data in Snowflake. You can define a column to store the XML data as a string or variant data type.

Use the XML parsing functions in Snowflake, such as XMLPARSE or XMLGET, to extract the desired elements and attributes from the XML data. You can use these functions to create virtual columns in your table that contain the extracted data.

Use the FLATTEN function in Snowflake to create a table that contains the flattened data. The FLATTEN function can be used to flatten nested XML elements and attributes into a table format.

Here is an example SQL query that demonstrates how to flatten XML data in Snowflake:

Copy code
CREATE TABLE xml_data (
id INT,
xml_string VARIANT

INSERT INTO xml_data (id, xml_string)
VALUES (1, '

Everyday Italian
Giada De Laurentiis


SELECT id, FLATTEN(XMLGET(xml_string, '$')) as book_data
FROM xml_data;
In this example, we create a table called "xml_data" that contains an ID column and a column to store the XML data as a variant data type. We then insert an example XML string into the table.

The SELECT statement then uses the XMLGET function to extract the "book" element from the XML data and flattens the data into a table format using the FLATTEN function. The resulting table will contain columns for the extracted book data, such as title, author, year, and price.

By using these XML processing functions and capabilities in Snowflake, you can easily extract and flatten XML data into a table format for further analysis and processing.

Alejandro Penzini Changed status to publish July 4, 2023
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