How can you grant access to a view to a different user in Snowflake?
To grant access to a view to a different user in Snowflake, you can use the **`GRANT`** statement. This statement allows you to specify the privileges you want to grant to a user on the view. Here's the SQL syntax to grant access to a view:
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GRANT privilege ON VIEW view_name TO USER user_name;
- **`privilege`**: The privilege you want to grant. For granting access to a view, you would typically use **`SELECT`**.
- **`view_name`**: The name of the view you want to grant access to.
- **`user_name`**: The name of the user to whom you're granting access.
Here's an example of granting **`SELECT`** access on a view named **`SalesSummary`** to a user named **`analyst_user`**:
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GRANT SELECT ON VIEW SalesSummary TO USER analyst_user;
In this example, the **`SELECT`** privilege on the **`SalesSummary`** view is granted to the user **`analyst_user`**. This allows the user to query the view.
You can also grant other privileges like **`INSERT`**, **`UPDATE`**, **`DELETE`**, or a combination of privileges depending on your access requirements.
Remember to replace **`SalesSummary`** and **`analyst_user`** with the actual names of your view and user. Granting access to views provides controlled access to data without directly exposing the underlying tables, enhancing data security and access control.