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How can you grant access to a view to a different user in Snowflake?

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How can you grant access to a view to a different user in Snowflake?

Daniel Steinhold Answered question August 7, 2023

To grant access to a view to a different user in Snowflake, you can use the **`GRANT`** statement. This statement allows you to specify the privileges you want to grant to a user on the view. Here's the SQL syntax to grant access to a view:

sqlCopy code
GRANT privilege ON VIEW view_name TO USER user_name;


- **`privilege`**: The privilege you want to grant. For granting access to a view, you would typically use **`SELECT`**.
- **`view_name`**: The name of the view you want to grant access to.
- **`user_name`**: The name of the user to whom you're granting access.

Here's an example of granting **`SELECT`** access on a view named **`SalesSummary`** to a user named **`analyst_user`**:

sqlCopy code
GRANT SELECT ON VIEW SalesSummary TO USER analyst_user;


In this example, the **`SELECT`** privilege on the **`SalesSummary`** view is granted to the user **`analyst_user`**. This allows the user to query the view.

You can also grant other privileges like **`INSERT`**, **`UPDATE`**, **`DELETE`**, or a combination of privileges depending on your access requirements.

Remember to replace **`SalesSummary`** and **`analyst_user`** with the actual names of your view and user. Granting access to views provides controlled access to data without directly exposing the underlying tables, enhancing data security and access control.

Daniel Steinhold Answered question August 7, 2023

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