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Can I connect to snowflake with boto3?

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Can I connect to snowflake with boto3?

Alejandro Penzini Answered question May 11, 2023

Yes, you can connect to Snowflake using the Boto3 AWS SDK for Python. Here are the general steps to connect to Snowflake using Boto3:

Install the Boto3 SDK: You can install the SDK using pip by running the following command: pip install boto3

Configure AWS Credentials: Boto3 uses AWS credentials to authenticate and authorize access to Snowflake resources. You can configure your credentials using environment variables, configuration files, or instance profiles on an EC2 instance.

Create a Snowflake Connection: Use the Boto3 SDK to create a Snowflake connection by calling the snowflake.connector.connect() method with the appropriate parameters, such as the AWS Region, AWS profile, and Snowflake account name. For example:

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import snowflake.connector
import boto3

# Set up connection parameters
aws_region = 'us-west-2'
aws_profile = 'default'
account = 'myaccount'

# Create session and get Snowflake credentials
session = boto3.Session(region_name=aws_region, profile_name=aws_profile)
credentials = session.get_credentials()

# Create connection object
conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
Create a Cursor Object: Use the connection object to create a cursor object that can be used to execute SQL statements. For example:
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# Create cursor object
cursor = conn.cursor()
Execute SQL Statements: Use the cursor object to execute SQL statements by calling the execute() method. For example:
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# Execute SQL statement
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM mytable')

# Fetch results
results = cursor.fetchall()
Close the Connection: After you're done with the connection, close it using the close() method. For example:
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# Close the connection
These are the basic steps to connect to Snowflake using Boto3. Note that you may also need to specify additional parameters, such as SSL settings or authentication method, depending on your Snowflake environment. You can find more information and examples in the Snowflake documentation.

Alejandro Penzini Changed status to publish June 30, 2023

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