Gisele Casillas | Reputations

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Does Snowflake support correlated subqueries?

Yes, it does support correlated subqueries but they have to be correlated scalar subqueries in WHERE clauses. You can also find more information about subqueries in Snowflake at Can you perform nested...

January 22, 2022 6
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Can you perform nested queries in snowflake?

Nested queries (subqueries; a query within another query) can be performed in Snowflake. When the subqueries are in a WHERE or FROM clause, they are used to provide data that will be used to have a limit...

January 22, 2022 6
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Can I use the SELECT INTO syntax for Snowflake?

No, you cannot use the SELECT INTO syntax for Snowflake as it does not have that statement. However, there are other alternatives that can be used instead such as CREATE TABLE as SELECT statement in order...

January 22, 2022 6
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Can I perform top 10 syntax in snowflake database?

Yes, you can perform top syntax in the snowflake database. It can be done by using TOP and this will constrain the maximum number of rows returned by statement or subquery. Important to Note: When you...

January 22, 2022 6
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What is zero copy cloning in Snowflake ?

Zero copy cloning in Snowflake is the feature that allows the duplication of an object without having to create a physical copy and without having to add any more storage costs. This can be done through...

January 16, 2022 6
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What is the difference between Fail-Safe and Time-Travel in Snowflake?

While they are both features that make sure you have access to your historical data, Fail-safe is a way to recover historical data in case there was a system failure or other type of failure, and Time...

January 12, 2022 6
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What can you use for data profiling with the Snowflake database?

First, what is data profiling? It can be seen as looking at and analyzing data sources in order to create summaries. This helps gather information that companies can use to help their business. Data...

January 12, 2022 6
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How many days is the time travel history preserved in Snowflake?

Actions such as querying, cloning, and restoring historical data from the tables, schemas, and databases are available for up to 90 days in Time Travel. However, this is within the Extended Time Travel...

January 4, 2022 6
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Can I connect PySpark to snowflake?

Yes, you can connect PySpark to Snowflake as Snowflake is compatible with both Python and Spark. The Snowflake Connector for Spark, also known as Spark Connector, uses Snowflake within the Apache Spark...

January 4, 2022 6
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What is Snowflake Time Travel?

Snowflake Time Travel gives access to historical data (which is any data that has either been changed, lost, or deleted). With Time Time Travel you can also: 1. Make clones of schemas, tables, or even...

December 30, 2021 6
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What is fail-safe in Snowflake ?

Fail-safe protects historical data in case there is a system failure or any other failure. Fail-safe allows 7 days in which your historical data can be recovered by Snowflake and it begins after the...

December 30, 2021 6
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Is there a cost associated with Time Travel in Snowflake?

In short, Time Travel does have some storage fees imposed for maintaining historical data. The way that these fees are calculated is by each day (24 hours) from each time the data has changed. By maintaining...

December 30, 2021 6
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I’m having trouble connecting to Snowflake from R. Any suggestions?

If you want to connect to Snowflake from R (RStudio) you will need to use the ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) driver on either Windows, MacOS, or Linux. Here are some steps on how to do this: 1....

December 30, 2021 6
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Having problems connecting to snowflake from Pentaho? Any suggestions?

First you want to make sure that the Pentaho version is the 6.1 version or above. Next, these steps will help you create the JDBC connection to Snowflake through Pentaho: 1. You will need to download...

December 28, 2021 6
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What is Airflow?

Airflow is a platform designed to automate, schedule, and monitor workflows in an automated way. It is mainly used for data processing pipelines, computational workflows, and ETL processes. The tool can...

December 28, 2021 6
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How do you add a stream to a table in snowflake?

You would use the command CREATE STREAM (or REPLACE STREAM) and it would create a new stream in the current schema or it would replace an existing stream. An example would be: create stream mystream on...

November 8, 2021 6
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Is there any consumption cost when you add a stream to a table in Snowflake?

Snowflake extends the data retention period for the source table temporarily when a stream is not consumed regularly. Regardless of which edition of Snowflake you have on your account, if the data retention...

November 8, 2021 6
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What does a Resource Monitor actual do in Snowflake?

Within Snowflake, it would be a resource monitor. Using resource monitors, you can set limits on how many credits are consumed through user-managed virtual warehouses and virtual warehouses used by cloud...

November 8, 2021 6
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November 8, 2021 6
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What does a Resource Monitor actual do in Snowflake?

Within Snowflake, it would be a resource monitor. Using resource monitors, you can set limits on how many credits are consumed through user-managed virtual warehouses and virtual warehouses used by cloud...

November 8, 2021 2
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