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What version of Python is needed for Snowpark?

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What version of Python is needed for Snowpark?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question March 26, 2024

To work with Snowpark, you will need a version of Python that is compatible with the Apache Arrow libraries. At the time of writing, only Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 are officially supported by Apache Arrow, which means that these are the only versions that can be used with Snowpark as well.

It is important to note that Snowpark is a relatively new technology and is still under active development, which means that the requirements and recommendations may change over time. Therefore, it is always recommended to check the official documentation and release notes to ensure that you are using the correct version of Python for the particular version of Snowpark that you are working with.

In addition to the Python version, you will also need to ensure that you have the necessary dependencies and libraries installed on your system. This includes the Apache Arrow and related libraries, as well as any additional libraries that you may need for your specific use case.

To summarize, to work with Snowpark, you will need to have Python 3.6, 3.7, or 3.8 installed on your system, along with any necessary dependencies and libraries. Always check the official documentation and release notes for the specific version of Snowpark that you are working with to ensure that you are using the correct version of Python and any other required components.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish March 26, 2024

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