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What mechanisms does Snowsight offer for exporting query results for external sharing?

1.41K viewsSnowsight and Classic UI

What mechanisms does Snowsight offer for exporting query results or generated visualizations for external sharing?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question September 25, 2023

Snowsight offers a variety of mechanisms for exporting query results or generated visualizations for external sharing, including:

  • CSV: Snowsight can export query results to a CSV file. To do this, click the Export button in the query results panel and select CSV. You can also specify the delimiter and encoding for the CSV file.
  • JSON: Snowsight can export query results to a JSON file. To do this, click the Export button in the query results panel and select JSON. You can also specify the indentation and formatting for the JSON file.
  • Image: Snowsight can export visualizations as images. To do this, click the Export button in the visualization panel and select Image. You can also specify the format and resolution of the image file.
  • PDF: Snowsight can export dashboards as PDFs. To do this, click the Export button in the dashboard panel and select PDF. You can also specify the orientation and margins for the PDF file.

In addition to these mechanisms, Snowsight also offers a number of other options for exporting query results and visualizations, such as:

  • Email: Snowsight can email query results and visualizations. To do this, click the Share button in the query results or visualization panel and select Email. You can then enter the email addresses of the people that you want to share the results or visualization with.
  • URL: Snowsight can generate a URL for query results and visualizations. To do this, click the Share button in the query results or visualization panel and select URL. You can then copy and paste the URL into an email, chat message, or other document to share the results or visualization with others.
  • Third-party integrations: Snowsight integrates with a number of third-party tools, such as Tableau, Power BI, and Qlik. You can use these integrations to export query results and visualizations to these tools.

By using the mechanisms that Snowsight offers, you can easily export query results and visualizations for external sharing. This can be helpful for sharing insights with others, collaborating on data analysis projects, or generating reports.

Here are some examples of how you can use the mechanisms that Snowsight offers to export query results and visualizations for external sharing:

  • You can export a CSV file of query results to share with a colleague for analysis.
  • You can export a JSON file of query results to import into a third-party data visualization tool.
  • You can export an image of a visualization to include in a presentation.
  • You can export a PDF of a dashboard to share with a team for review.
  • You can email a URL to a query result or visualization to a colleague for review.
  • You can integrate Snowsight with a third-party tool, such as Tableau, to export query results and visualizations to that tool.

By using the mechanisms that Snowsight offers, you can easily export query results and visualizations for external sharing. This can be helpful for a variety of purposes.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish September 25, 2023

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