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What is the maximum query execution time in Snowflake?

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What is the maximum query execution time in Snowflake?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question March 21, 2024

Snowflake has a default query timeout of 24 hours, which is the maximum time that a query can run before it is automatically terminated by the system. This means that if a query takes longer than 24 hours to complete, it will be cancelled by Snowflake to prevent it from consuming too many resources and impacting other queries running on the system.

However, it is important to note that Snowflake provides users with the ability to set their own query timeout thresholds for their accounts and individual queries. This is particularly useful for users who run long-running, resource-intensive queries that may require more time to complete than the default 24-hour timeout.

To set a custom query timeout, users can specify the TIMEOUT parameter in their SQL statements. The TIMEOUT parameter value is specified in seconds, and can be set to any value between 60 seconds and 3,600 seconds (1 hour). It is also possible to set a global query timeout for an entire Snowflake account using the ACCOUNT parameter.

Overall, while Snowflake has a default max query execution time of 24 hours, users have the flexibility to set their own query timeout thresholds based on their specific needs and requirements.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish March 21, 2024
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