What is the maximum number of databases in Snowflake?
The maximum number of databases in Snowflake depends on the edition of Snowflake being used. For the standard edition, the maximum number of databases allowed is 100 per account. Meanwhile, for the enterprise edition, the maximum number of databases allowed is 250 per account.
It is important to note that databases in Snowflake are not the same as other databases in traditional database management systems. In Snowflake, a database is just a schema container for tables, views, and other database objects. The number of databases created is not limited by the system, but rather by the organizational or operational needs of the company.
It is worth noting that Snowflake is designed to be a highly scalable cloud data warehouse solution. As such, it is built to support the growth and changing needs of a company over time. Therefore, if a company needs to create additional databases beyond the maximum allowed by their edition of Snowflake, they can contact Snowflake support to discuss their options.
In conclusion, the maximum number of databases allowed in Snowflake depends on the edition of Snowflake being used, with the standard edition allowing up to 100 databases and the enterprise edition allowing up to 250 databases per account. However, the number of databases created is not limited by the system, but rather by the needs of the company, and Snowflake is designed to be scalable to support these needs over time.