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What does NTILE do?

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What does NTILE function do in Snowflake?

Daniel Steinhold Answered question July 31, 2023

In Snowflake, the NTILE function is used to divide a result set into a specified number of equally sized groups or buckets and assigns a group number to each row. It allows you to distribute the rows into partitions based on the specified number, ensuring an approximately equal number of rows in each partition. Here's the syntax for the NTILE function in Snowflake:

sqlCopy code
NTILE(number_of_partitions) OVER (ORDER BY column)


The NTILE function takes one argument:

- **`number_of_partitions`**: The number of partitions or buckets to divide the result set into.

The NTILE function is typically used in conjunction with the OVER clause, which defines the ordering of the rows based on a specific column. The result of the NTILE function is an integer value representing the group number to which each row belongs.

Example usage:

sqlCopy code
SELECT column, NTILE(4) OVER (ORDER BY column) AS ntile_group FROM table;


In this query, the result set is divided into four groups using the NTILE function. Each row is assigned a group number from 1 to 4 based on the order of the column.

The NTILE function is useful when you need to divide a result set into equal partitions for analysis or distribution purposes. It can be used to distribute work evenly across a cluster, perform parallel processing, or analyze data in balanced segments.

Note that the number of partitions specified in the NTILE function should be a positive integer greater than 0. The function ensures that each partition has a similar number of rows, but the exact distribution may vary depending on the total number of rows and the number of partitions specified.

Daniel Steinhold Answered question July 31, 2023

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