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What deployment options are available? Can it be deployed on-premises as well as in the cloud?

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What deployment options are available for Snowpark? Can it be deployed on-premises as well as in the cloud?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question September 6, 2023

Snowpark is a unified programming model for building data-intensive applications in Snowflake. It provides a familiar programming experience in Python, Java, and Scala, and it can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud.

Here are the deployment options available for Snowpark:

  • Local development: You can install the Snowpark libraries on your local machine and develop applications using your favorite IDE.
  • Snowflake Dataproc: You can use Snowflake Dataproc to create a managed Hadoop and Spark cluster in Snowflake. Snowpark is pre-installed on Snowflake Dataproc clusters, so you can start developing applications right away.
  • Snowflake Compute Instances: You can create a dedicated Snowflake Compute Instance to run Snowpark applications. This option gives you the most control over your environment, but it also requires more administrative overhead.
  • Snowflake Container Services: You can deploy Snowpark applications in containers using Snowflake Container Services. This option gives you the flexibility to run Snowpark applications on any infrastructure, including on-premises or in the cloud.

Yes, Snowpark can be deployed on-premises as well as in the cloud. The deployment options listed above are available for both on-premises and cloud deployments.

Here are some additional considerations for deploying Snowpark on-premises:

  • You will need to install the Snowpark libraries on your on-premises servers.
  • You will need to configure your on-premises environment to connect to Snowflake.
  • You may need to make some changes to your on-premises security policies to allow Snowpark applications to access Snowflake.

Here are some additional considerations for deploying Snowpark in the cloud:

  • You will need to create a Snowflake account and create a database.
  • You will need to create a Snowflake Compute Instance or use Snowflake Dataproc to create a managed Hadoop and Spark cluster.
  • You will need to install the Snowpark libraries on your cloud machine.
  • You will need to configure your cloud machine to connect to Snowflake.
Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish September 6, 2023
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