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What are the functions available in Snowflake Cortex?

597 viewsSnowflake Cortex

What are the functions available in Snowflake Cortex?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question April 3, 2024

Snowflake Cortex features are provided as SQL functions and are also available in Python. The available functions are summarized below.

  • COMPLETE: Given a prompt, returns a response that completes the prompt. This function accepts either a single prompt or a conversation with multiple prompts and responses.
  • EXTRACT_ANSWER: Given a question and unstructured data, returns the answer to the question if it can be found in the data.
  • SENTIMENT: Returns a sentiment score, from -1 to 1, representing the detected positive or negative sentiment of the given text.
  • SUMMARIZE: Returns a summary of the given text.
  • TRANSLATE: Translates given text from any supported language to any other.
Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish April 3, 2024
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