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What are the advantages of Snowflake Data Cloud cloning?

4.87K viewsCloning and Time TravelData Cloning

What are the advantages of Snowflake Data Cloud cloning?

Frank Bell Answered question March 13, 2022

I see Snowflake's cloning capability as one of their initial game changers for the RDBMS and overall data world. The introduction of this technology FINALLY allowed for truly AGILE data delivery and testing. Since their Zero Copy Cloning works based on Snowflake's Micro-partition technology it allows massive cloning of objects ONLY based on meta data. So if you have less than 1000 objects it typically takes seconds to clone. This allows you to add automated cloning processes and jobs and then to run continuous integration and development test at any point in time much quicker than any other data solutioons before. Previously, we always had BIG DATA and cost challenges with on-premise databases like Netezza, Teradata, etc. etc. because you had to create a copy of the data to run full tests and if you had sizeable data this took long amounts of time and also had significant costs to event attempt to have a staging and a development copy of data to work and test with.

Frank Bell Answered question March 13, 2022
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