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What are some of the tools and resources that Snowflake Data Superheroes use?


What are some of the tools and resources that Snowflake Data Superheroes use?

Alejandro Penzini Answered question November 9, 2023

Code editors: Snowflake Data Superheroes often use code editors to write SQL and Python code. Popular code editors include Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text.
Data modeling tools: Snowflake Data Superheroes often use data modeling tools to design and implement data models. Popular data modeling tools include ER/Studio and PowerDesigner.
Data visualization tools: Snowflake Data Superheroes often use data visualization tools to create charts and graphs to visualize data. Popular data visualization tools include Tableau and Power BI.
DevOps tools: Snowflake Data Superheroes often use DevOps tools to automate tasks such as deployment and testing. Popular DevOps tools include Jenkins and Ansible

Alejandro Penzini Answered question November 9, 2023
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