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What are some causes of “File format not supported” errors, and how can you address them?

1.25K viewsErrors and Troubleshooting

In the context of data loading, what are some potential causes of "File format not supported" errors, and how can you address them?

Daniel Steinhold Answered question August 16, 2023

Encountering a "File format not supported" error when loading data into Snowflake typically indicates that the file you're attempting to load is in a format that Snowflake does not recognize or support. This error can occur due to various reasons related to file format, compression, and encoding. Here are some potential causes of such errors and how to address them:

1. **Unsupported File Format**:
- Cause: The file you're trying to load is in a file format that Snowflake does not support for loading.
- Solution: Ensure that you're using a supported file format, such as CSV, JSON, Parquet, ORC, Avro, XML, etc., for data loading. Convert the file to a supported format if necessary.
2. **File Format Specifier Missing**:
- Cause: When loading data in a format other than CSV, you didn't specify the correct file format using the **`FILE_FORMAT`** parameter in the **`COPY INTO`** command.
- Solution: Specify the correct file format using the **`FILE_FORMAT`** parameter, and ensure that you have defined the corresponding file format in Snowflake.
3. **Incorrect File Extension**:
- Cause: The file extension does not match the actual file format content.
- Solution: Ensure that the file extension corresponds to the actual format of the file. If necessary, rename the file with the correct extension.
4. **Compression Format Mismatch**:
- Cause: The compression format specified in the file format definition does not match the actual compression used in the file.
- Solution: Verify that the compression format specified in the **`FILE_FORMAT`** matches the compression used in the file. If needed, adjust the compression settings.
5. **Encoding Mismatch**:
- Cause: The encoding specified in the file format does not match the actual encoding used in the file.
- Solution: Ensure that the encoding specified in the **`FILE_FORMAT`** matches the actual encoding of the file's data.
6. **Corrupted or Incomplete File**:
- Cause: The file is corrupted, incomplete, or missing essential data required for Snowflake to recognize the format.
- Solution: Verify the integrity of the file. Check for file corruption, missing data, or incomplete content. If necessary, obtain a clean and complete copy of the file.
7. **Unsupported Compression**:
- Cause: Snowflake may not support the specific compression algorithm used in the file.
- Solution: Check Snowflake's documentation for supported compression algorithms, and ensure that the file uses a supported compression method.
8. **File Compression Missing**:
- Cause: The file is supposed to be compressed, but it's not compressed as expected.
- Solution: Compress the file using a supported compression method (e.g., GZIP) before attempting to load it into Snowflake.
9. **File Encryption**:
- Cause: If the file is encrypted, Snowflake might not support the encryption method used.
- Solution: Decrypt the file before attempting to load it into Snowflake, or use a supported encryption method.
10. **Custom File Formats**:
- Cause: If you're using a custom file format, ensure that it is defined correctly and includes the necessary specifications for the format, compression, and encoding.
11. **Data Consistency**:
- Cause: If the file format, compression, or encoding settings in the file format definition do not match the actual file content, it can lead to errors.
- Solution: Double-check the settings in the file format definition to ensure they accurately reflect the file's format, compression, and encoding.

By addressing these potential causes and ensuring that the file format, compression, and encoding settings are correctly defined and aligned with the actual file content, you can resolve "File format not supported" errors and successfully load data into Snowflake.

Daniel Steinhold Answered question August 16, 2023
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