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What are Regular Expression Functions on Snowflake?

990 viewsSnowflake Functions and Procedures

What are Regular Expression Functions on Snowflake?

Daniel Steinhold Answered question July 31, 2023

Snowflake provides a set of regular expression functions that allow you to perform pattern matching, searching, and manipulation on text data using regular expressions. These functions enable advanced string operations and text analysis. Here are some commonly used regular expression functions in Snowflake:

- REGEXP_SUBSTR(string_expression, pattern): Returns the substring that matches the specified regular expression pattern within the source string.
- Example: REGEXP_SUBSTR('Hello, World!', 'Hello') returns 'Hello'.
- REGEXP_REPLACE(string_expression, pattern, replacement): Replaces substrings that match the specified regular expression pattern with the replacement string.
- Example: REGEXP_REPLACE('Hello, World!', '[Hh]ello', 'Hi') returns 'Hi, World!'.
- REGEXP_INSTR(string_expression, pattern): Returns the position of the first occurrence of the specified regular expression pattern within the source string.
- Example: REGEXP_INSTR('Hello, World!', '[Hh]ello') returns 1.
- REGEXP_LIKE(string_expression, pattern): Checks if the source string matches the specified regular expression pattern and returns true or false.
- Example: REGEXP_LIKE('Hello, World!', '^[A-Za-z]+, [A-Za-z]+!$') returns true.
- REGEXP_COUNT(string_expression, pattern): Returns the number of occurrences of the specified regular expression pattern within the source string.
- Example: REGEXP_COUNT('Hello, Hello, Hello!', 'Hello') returns 3.

These regular expression functions in Snowflake allow you to perform powerful text pattern matching and manipulation. Regular expressions provide flexible and sophisticated pattern matching capabilities, enabling you to search for specific patterns, extract substrings, replace text, and perform complex text transformations.

Snowflake supports the POSIX regular expression syntax for pattern matching. It allows you to use metacharacters, character classes, quantifiers, anchors, and more to define patterns.

The Snowflake documentation provides more detailed explanations, examples, and additional regular expression functions available in Snowflake.

Daniel Steinhold Answered question July 31, 2023

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