Snowflake provides a comprehensive set of date and time functions that allow manipulation, calculation, and formatting of date and time values. Here are some commonly used date and time functions in Snowflake:
1. CURRENT_DATE: Returns the current date in the session's time zone.
Example: **`CURRENT_DATE`** returns the current date.
2. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: Returns the current timestamp in the session's time zone.
Example: **`CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`** returns the current timestamp.
3. DATE_TRUNC: Truncates a timestamp or date to a specified unit (year, month, day, hour, minute, etc.).
Example: **`DATE_TRUNC('month', '2023-07-13')`** returns **`'2023-07-01'`**.
4. DATE_ADD: Adds a specified interval to a date or timestamp.
Example: **`DATE_ADD('2023-07-13', INTERVAL '7' DAY)`** returns **`'2023-07-20'`**.
5. DATE_DIFF: Calculates the difference between two dates or timestamps in a specified unit.
Example: **`DATE_DIFF('2023-07-13', '2023-07-01', DAY)`** returns **`12`**.
6. TO_TIMESTAMP: Converts a string to a timestamp with a specified format.
Example: **`TO_TIMESTAMP('2023-07-13 10:30:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')`** returns the timestamp value.
7. EXTRACT: Extracts a specific component (year, month, day, hour, minute, etc.) from a date or timestamp.
Example: **`EXTRACT(MONTH, '2023-07-13')`** returns **`7`**.
8. TO_CHAR: Converts a date or timestamp to a string with a specified format.
Example: **`TO_CHAR('2023-07-13', 'YYYY-MM-DD')`** returns **`'2023-07-13'`**.
9. CURRENT_TIMEZONE: Returns the current session's time zone.
Example: **`CURRENT_TIMEZONE`** returns the time zone.
10. INTERVAL: Creates an interval value with a specified duration.
Example: **`INTERVAL '3' MONTH`** creates an interval representing 3 months.
These are just a few examples of the date and time functions available in Snowflake. Snowflake also supports functions like TO_DATE, TO_TIME, TO_TIMEZONE, DATE_PART, TIME_PART, TIMEZONE_OFFSET, and others for various date and time operations. The Snowflake documentation provides a comprehensive list of date and time functions with detailed explanations and usage examples.