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Transferring Ownership of an Application Package

601 viewsNative Apps Frameworksnowflakenativeapps

Transferring Ownership of an Application Package:

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 12, 2023

After creating an application package, you have the option to transfer ownership of the application package to another account-level role.

Transferring Ownership Using Snowsight:
To transfer ownership of an application package via Snowsight, follow these steps:

1. Sign in to Snowsight.
2. In the left navigation bar, navigate to Apps and then select Packages.
3. Choose the ellipsis (...) next to the application package you wish to transfer, then select Transfer Ownership.
4. Under Transfer to, choose the new account-level role.
5. Click on Transfer.

Transferring Ownership Using SQL Commands:
To transfer ownership of an application package to a different account-level role using SQL, utilize the GRANT OWNERSHIP command, as illustrated in the following example:
GRANT OWNERSHIP ON APPLICATION HelloSnowflakePackage TO ROLE native_app_dev;

Alejandro Penzini Edited answer December 12, 2023

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