Since when can someone install a snowflake native app in their snowflake account?
Snowflake Native Apps are still in early access, and the ability to install them in your Snowflake account has been available on AWS since May 2023. Snowflake Native Apps are not yet available on Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure.
Snowflake plans to make Snowflake Native Apps generally available on all three cloud platforms in the near future.
To install a Snowflake Native App in your Snowflake account, you will need to:
1. Go to the Snowflake Marketplace.
2. Find the Snowflake Native App that you want to install.
3. Click on the Install button.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
5. Once the Snowflake Native App is installed, you can access it from the Snowflake Console.