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Known Limitations in Preview

804 viewsNative Apps Frameworksnowflakenativeapps

The preview release of the Snowflake Native App Framework has the following limitations:

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 12, 2023

Please be aware of the following considerations when utilizing the Snowflake Native App Framework:

- Integration with Snowflake accounts on Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform is currently not available.

- Cross-Cloud Auto-Fulfillment within the Snowflake Native App Framework is exclusively supported in AWS regions.

- Snowflake accounts situated in government regions are not currently supported.

- The use of Virtual Private Snowflake (VPS) is limited to deployment within a single organization.

- Tables created with AUTOINCREMENT are not compatible. We recommend utilizing sequences as a preferred alternative.

- Iceberg tables are not supported within the Snowflake Native App Framework.

- Temporary tables or stages are not supported.

Please note that certain features in Streamlit may not be fully supported. Refer to the documentation on Unsupported Streamlit Features and Limitations when using Streamlit in the Native App Framework for more details.

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 12, 2023
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