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How many columns can you have in Snowflake?

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How many columns can you have in Snowflake?

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish March 21, 2024

Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that offers a highly scalable and flexible architecture. One of the key features of Snowflake is its ability to handle large amounts of data and support complex queries. When it comes to the number of columns that Snowflake can handle, the answer is that it depends on the version and edition of Snowflake that you are using.

In general, Snowflake can support up to 1,600 columns per table. However, this number may vary depending on the edition and version of Snowflake that you are using. For example, the standard edition of Snowflake offers a maximum of 1,000 columns per table, while the enterprise edition can support up to 1,600 columns per table.

It is important to note that while Snowflake can support a large number of columns per table, it is not recommended to have too many columns as it can impact query performance. It is best to design tables with only the necessary columns for the data that needs to be stored and queried.

In summary, Snowflake can support a large number of columns per table, and the exact number depends on the version and edition of Snowflake that you are using. While Snowflake can handle a large number of columns, it is best to design tables with only the necessary columns for optimal query performance.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish March 21, 2024

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