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How do you set up permissions and access controls for different users within Snowsight?

1.04K viewsSnowsight and Classic UI

Can you explain the process of setting up permissions and access controls for different users within Snowsight?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question September 25, 2023

To set up permissions and access controls for different users within Snowsight, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create roles. Roles are used to group users together and grant them specific permissions. To create a role, navigate to the Admin > Users & Roles page in Snowsight. Click the + Role button and enter a name for the role. You can also specify a description for the role.
  2. Grant permissions to roles. Once you have created roles, you can grant them permissions to access different objects in Snowflake, such as databases, tables, and views. To grant permissions to a role, navigate to the Admin > Users & Roles page in Snowsight. Select the role that you want to grant permissions to and click the Permissions tab. Click the Grant Permissions button and select the objects that you want to grant permissions to the role for. You can also specify the specific permissions that you want to grant to the role.
  3. Assign users to roles. Once you have created roles and granted them permissions, you can assign users to the roles. To assign a user to a role, navigate to the Admin > Users & Roles page in Snowsight. Select the user that you want to assign to a role and click the Roles tab. Click the + Role button and select the role that you want to assign to the user.

Once you have assigned users to roles, they will have the permissions that have been granted to those roles.

Here are some examples of how you can use roles and permissions to control user access to Snowflake objects:

  • You can create a role for marketing users and grant them permissions to access the marketing database and tables.
  • You can create a role for sales users and grant them permissions to access the sales database and tables.
  • You can create a role for finance users and grant them permissions to access the finance database and tables.
  • You can create a role for executives and grant them permissions to access all of the databases and tables in Snowflake.

You can also use roles to create a hierarchy of permissions. For example, you could create a parent role called "Manager" and then create child roles called "Sales Manager," "Marketing Manager," and "Finance Manager." You could then grant the "Manager" role permissions to access all of the databases and tables in Snowflake. You could then grant the child roles permissions to access the specific databases and tables that they need to access.

By using roles and permissions, you can control user access to Snowflake objects and ensure that users only have access to the objects that they need to access.

In addition to roles and permissions, Snowsight also provides a number of other features that can be used to control user access to Snowflake objects, such as:

  • Resource monitors: Resource monitors allow you to track and control how users are consuming resources, such as CPU and memory.
  • Access logs: Access logs track all activity that occurs in Snowflake. You can use access logs to identify users who are accessing unauthorized objects.
  • Audit trails: Audit trails track all changes that are made to objects in Snowflake. You can use audit trails to investigate unauthorized changes to objects.

By using the features that Snowsight provides, you can control user access to Snowflake objects and ensure that your data is secure.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish September 25, 2023

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