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How do I load data into a table in Snowsight?

966 viewsSnowsight and Classic UI

How do I load data into a table in Snowsight?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question October 26, 2023

Loading data into a table in Snowflake, which you can manage through Snowsight, typically involves the following steps. Data loading in Snowflake is often done using SQL or through Snowflake's data loading features like Snowpipe, SnowSQL, or using third-party tools. Here's a general process for loading data using SQL within Snowsight:

  1. Log in to Snowsight: Access Snowsight through your web browser and log in with appropriate credentials.
  2. Navigate to the SQL Worksheet:
    • In Snowsight, click on the "Worksheet" or "SQL" tab to access the SQL Worksheet.
  3. Write SQL to Load Data:
    • You can use SQL statements to load data into a table. The exact SQL command you use will depend on where your data is coming from (e.g., a local file, a Snowflake stage, an external location), and the file format.

    For example, if you want to load data from a local CSV file into a Snowflake table, you can use the COPY INTO statement:

    COPY INTO your_target_table
    FROM @your_stage
    FILES = ('file1.csv', 'file2.csv')

    In this example, replace your_target_table with the name of your Snowflake table, your_stage with the name of your Snowflake stage (if applicable), and adjust the file paths and format options accordingly.

  4. Execute the SQL Command:
    • After writing the SQL command, click the "Run" or "Execute" button in the SQL Worksheet to execute the data loading command.
  5. Monitor the Load Progress:
    • Snowflake provides a way to monitor the progress of the data load. You can check the history of executed queries in Snowsight or use Snowflake's data loading history and monitoring tools to track the progress of your data load.

Please note that the specific SQL command and options for data loading can vary based on your data source, data format, and other considerations. Ensure that your Snowflake account has the necessary privileges and that the file format and stage (if applicable) are properly configured.

Additionally, if Snowflake has introduced new features or changes related to data loading within the Snowsight interface specifically, it's advisable to check the most recent Snowsight documentation for any specific details on this process.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish October 26, 2023

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