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How do I create a virtual warehouse in Snowsight?

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How do I create a virtual warehouse in Snowsight?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question October 26, 2023

Creating a virtual warehouse in Snowsight is typically done by using SQL commands within Snowflake, as Snowsight is an interface to interact with Snowflake's data and services. A virtual warehouse in Snowflake is a compute resource that you can use to run queries and perform data processing. Here's how you can create a virtual warehouse using SQL commands in Snowsight:

  1. Log in to the Snowflake Web Interface: Go to the Snowflake web interface (https://<your-account> and log in with an account that has the necessary privileges to create a virtual warehouse. Typically, you need the 'ACCOUNTADMIN' or 'WAREHOUSEADMIN' role.
  2. Navigate to the SQL Worksheet:
    • In the Snowflake web interface, click on the "Worksheet" tab to access the SQL Worksheet.
  3. Write SQL Command to Create a Virtual Warehouse:
    • Use SQL to create a virtual warehouse. The SQL command to create a virtual warehouse typically follows this pattern:
    CREATE WAREHOUSE <warehouse_name>
    [WAREHOUSE_SIZE = '<size>']
    [WAREHOUSE_TYPE = '<type>']
    [AUTO_SUSPEND = <minutes>]
    [AUTO_RESUME = <minutes>]
    [MIN_CLUSTER_COUNT = <count>]
    [MAX_CLUSTER_COUNT = <count>];
    • <warehouse_name> is the name you want to give to the virtual warehouse.
    • <size> is the size of the warehouse, e.g., 'X-Small', 'Small', 'Medium', etc.
    • <type> is the type of the warehouse, e.g., 'Standard', 'Enterprise', etc.
    • <minutes> specify how long the warehouse should wait before auto-suspending and auto-resuming.
    • <count> defines the minimum and maximum cluster count.

    For example, to create a virtual warehouse named "my_warehouse" with a 'Medium' size, you can use this SQL command:

    CREATE WAREHOUSE my_warehouse
    WAREHOUSE_SIZE = 'Medium';
  4. Execute the SQL Command:
    • After writing the SQL command, click the "Run" or "Execute" button in the SQL Worksheet to execute the command.
  5. Verify the Virtual Warehouse Creation:
    • You can verify that the virtual warehouse has been created by querying the Snowflake information schema or by checking the list of virtual warehouses in the Snowflake web interface.

Please note that creating a virtual warehouse in Snowflake may require administrative privileges or a role with the necessary permissions. The exact steps and options may have changed since my last update in September 2021, so I recommend referring to the latest Snowflake documentation or contacting your organization's Snowflake administrator for the most up-to-date instructions and best practices for virtual warehouse management.

Additionally, if Snowflake has introduced new features or changes related to virtual warehouse management within the Snowsight interface specifically, it's advisable to check the most recent Snowsight documentation for any specific details on this process.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish October 26, 2023

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