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How can I share data with users in other Snowflake accounts?

822 viewsData Sharing and Collaboration

How can I share data with users in other Snowflake accounts?

Daniel Steinhold Answered question August 28, 2023

There are two ways to share data with users in other Snowflake accounts:

  1. Create a data exchange: A data exchange is a way to share data with a group of accounts that you invite. To create a data exchange, you need to specify the data that you want to share, the permissions that you want to grant to the accounts, and the terms of the data sharing agreement.
  2. Create a listing: A listing is a data product that you can offer to one or more accounts. Listings can include additional metadata about the data, such as a description, usage statistics, and tags. You can also make listings public, so that they can be discovered and consumed by any Snowflake account.

Here are the steps on how to create a data exchange:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.
  2. In the navigation menu, select Data » Data Exchanges.
  3. Select Create Data Exchange.
  4. In the Create Data Exchange dialog, specify the following information:
    • Data: The data that you want to share.
    • Permissions: The permissions that you want to grant to the accounts.
    • Terms of agreement: The terms of the data sharing agreement.
  5. Click Create.

Once you have created a data exchange, you can invite other accounts to join the data exchange. The invited accounts will be able to access the data that you shared, subject to the permissions that you granted.

Here are the steps on how to create a listing:

  1. Sign in to Snowsight.
  2. In the navigation menu, select Data » Listings.
  3. Select Create Listing.
  4. In the Create Listing dialog, specify the following information:
    • Data: The data that you want to share.
    • Description: A description of the data.
    • Usage statistics: Usage statistics for the data.
    • Tags: Tags for the data.
  5. Click Create.

Once you have created a listing, you can make it public or private. Public listings can be discovered and consumed by any Snowflake account. Private listings can only be accessed by accounts that you have granted access to.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when sharing data with users in other Snowflake accounts:

  • You can only share data with accounts that have been granted the ACCOUNTADMIN role or the CREATE ACCOUNT global privilege.
  • You can share data with accounts that are in the same region or in different regions.
  • You can revoke access to shared data at any time.

By following these steps, you can easily share data with users in other Snowflake accounts.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish August 28, 2023
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