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How can I set up permissions for collaboration on Snowflake?

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How can I set up permissions for collaboration on Snowflake?

Daniel Steinhold Asked question August 31, 2023

There are a few ways to set up permissions for collaboration on Snowflake:

  • Use roles: Roles are a collection of privileges that can be granted to users. You can create roles that grant specific privileges to users who need to collaborate on data. For example, you could create a role that grants users the ability to create and modify data, but not the ability to delete data.
  • Use shares: Shares are a way to share data with other users. When you create a share, you specify the users who will have access to the data, as well as the level of access that they will have. For example, you could create a share that grants users the ability to query data, but not the ability to create or modify data.
  • Use workspaces: Workspaces are a way to group together related objects, such as databases, tables, and views. When you create a workspace, you specify the users who will have access to the workspace. This can be a way to control access to a group of related objects.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when setting up permissions for collaboration on Snowflake:

  • Consider the level of access that you need to grant: When setting up permissions, it is important to consider the level of access that you need to grant to the users who will be collaborating on the data. For example, if you are only sharing data for read-only purposes, you may not need to grant users the ability to create or modify data.
  • Use roles to streamline permissions management: Roles can be a great way to streamline permissions management. By creating roles that grant specific privileges, you can easily grant or revoke access to users as needed.
  • Use shares to share data with external users: Shares can be used to share data with external users, such as partners or customers. When creating a share, you can specify the external users who will have access to the data, as well as the level of access that they will have.
  • Use workspaces to organize objects: Workspaces can be used to organize objects, such as databases, tables, and views. This can be a way to control access to a group of related objects.

By following these tips, you can set up permissions for collaboration on Snowflake effectively and secure your data.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish August 31, 2023

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