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How can I collaborate with users in other Snowflake accounts?

972 viewsData Sharing and Collaboration

How can I collaborate with users in other Snowflake accounts?

Daniel Steinhold Answered question August 31, 2023

Collaborating with users in other Snowflake accounts involves setting up a process to share data and access privileges securely between different accounts. Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that allows organizations to store, process, and analyze data. To collaborate between Snowflake accounts, you generally follow these steps:

  1. Establish a Trust Relationship: To allow users in one Snowflake account to access objects (databases, schemas, tables, etc.) in another account, you need to establish a trust relationship between the accounts. This involves creating a trusted relationship from the "source" account to the "target" account, enabling users from the source account to authenticate into the target account.
  2. Setup External Stage: An external stage is used to store files (like CSV, JSON, etc.) in cloud storage (like AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage). You can create an external stage in your target account to reference data stored in your source account's cloud storage.
  3. Grant Necessary Privileges: In the source account, grant the necessary privileges to allow users from the target account to access specific objects. This can include granting privileges on databases, schemas, tables, views, etc.
  4. Create Virtual Warehouse (Optional): If you want users in the target account to execute queries in your source account, you can create a Virtual Warehouse (Snowflake's compute resource) in your target account.
  5. Use Secure Views (Optional): To control the data being shared, you can create secure views in the source account. Secure views allow you to expose only specific columns or rows of data to users in the target account.
  6. Authentication and Connection: Users in the target account will need to authenticate into the source account using Snowflake's federated authentication mechanisms. This might involve using Single Sign-On (SSO) or other authentication methods.
  7. Execute Queries: Once the trust relationship is established, users from the target account can use their credentials to authenticate and then run queries against the objects in the source account, possibly using the external stage to access data.
  8. Monitor and Audit: Ensure that you have proper monitoring and auditing mechanisms in place to track access and usage of shared data between accounts.

It's important to note that this process involves careful consideration of security, data privacy, and access control. Collaboration across Snowflake accounts should be planned and executed with a focus on maintaining the integrity of the data and complying with relevant regulations.

Daniel Steinhold Changed status to publish August 31, 2023

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