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Getting Started with Snowflake (Prerequisites)

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Getting Started with Snowflake (Prerequisites):

Alejandro Penzini Edited question December 13, 2023

To successfully engage with this tutorial, it is essential to set up a database, table, and virtual warehouse for data loading and querying in Snowflake. The creation of these Snowflake objects necessitates a Snowflake user with a role endowed with the required access control privileges.

Additionally, SnowSQL is indispensable for executing SQL statements throughout the tutorial. Lastly, CSV files containing sample data are required for the data loading process.

While you have the option to use an existing Snowflake warehouse, database, table, and your local data files, it is recommended to utilize the provided Snowflake objects and the accompanying set of data.

Before proceeding, ensure the following setup for Snowflake:

Create a User:

To create the necessary database, table, and virtual warehouse, log in as a Snowflake user with a role granting the requisite privileges for object creation.

If using a 30-day trial account, log in with the user created for the account, equipped with the necessary role for object creation.
If you don’t possess a Snowflake user, you won’t be able to perform the tutorial. Seek assistance from someone with the ACCOUNTADMIN or SECURITYADMIN role to create a user if needed.

Install SnowSQL:

Follow the installation guide for SnowSQL to set it up.
Download Sample Data Files:

Download the provided sample employee data files in CSV format from Snowflake.
Unzip the sample files, preferably into one of the following directories:
Linux/macOS: /tmp
Windows: C:\temp

Each file contains five data records, with fields separated by a comma (,). No extra spaces precede or follow the commas in each record—this conforms to Snowflake’s default expectation when loading CSV data.

By completing these setup steps, you’ll be well-prepared to dive into the tutorial seamlessly.

Alejandro Penzini Edited answer December 13, 2023

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