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Databases, Tables, and Views – Overview

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Databases, Tables and Views - Overview

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 19, 2023

Snowflake Data Organization:

Snowflake stores all data within databases, each containing schemas that group logical data objects like tables and views. There are no inherent limits on their creation.

Explore the following resources to delve deeper:

Tables: Understand Snowflake's unique table structures, including micro-partitions and data clustering.
Temporary & Transient Tables: Learn about storing temporary data for specific needs like ETL or short-lived tasks.

- External Tables: Discover how to reference read-only files stored in external stages.

- Iceberg Tables: Leverage the flexible Apache Iceberg format for data in external cloud storage and utilize Snowflake as the Iceberg catalog or create tables from existing object storage files.

- Views: Access the results of a query as a virtual table through the power of views. They can combine, segregate, and protect data effectively.

- Secure Views: Enhance data privacy by using secure views to restrict access to sensitive information within underlying tables.

-Materialized Views: Improve query performance with pre-computed data stored in materialized views, derived from specified queries.

-Table Design Best Practices: Gain valuable insights on designing and managing efficient and sustainable tables.

-Cloning Best Practices: Learn the best practices and considerations for successfully cloning databases, schemas, and permanent tables within Snowflake.

-Data Storage Considerations: Discover effective strategies for optimizing data storage costs associated with Continuous Data Protection (CDP), especially for tables.

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 19, 2023

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