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Creating an Application Package Part II

931 viewsNative Apps Frameworksnowflakenativeapps

Creating an Application Package Part II:

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 12, 2023

The Snowflake Native App Framework provides the flexibility to create an application package either through Snowsight or by executing SQL commands.

Privileges Required for Application Package Creation:
To create an application package, your role must be granted the global privilege of CREATE APPLICATION PACKAGE.

Uploading the Manifest File and Setup Script to a Named Stage:
Before crafting an application package, it is essential to generate the manifest file and setup script, and subsequently, upload them to a named stage accessible to your account.

There are two methods for file upload to a named stage:

Using Snowsight: For detailed instructions, refer to the guide on Staging Files Using Snowsight.

Using the PUT Command.

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 12, 2023

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