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Connecting to Snowflake (Snowflake Partner Connect)

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Connecting to Snowflake (Snowflake Partner Connect)

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 14, 2023

Partner Connect simplifies the process of generating trial accounts with designated Snowflake business partners and seamlessly integrating these accounts with Snowflake. This functionality offers a convenient avenue for experimenting with different third-party tools and services, allowing you to adopt the ones that align most effectively with your business requirements.

Supported Partners:

Crucial Information:

Snowflake does not establish or dictate the conditions or terms (such as duration, supported features, etc.) for partner trial accounts. These policies are determined independently by each Snowflake partner and may differ among partners.

For specific details regarding a particular trial, kindly reach out to the respective partner directly.

Currently, Partner Connect includes the following partners:

- alation
- alteryx
- census
- coalesce
- dataops
- dbt Labs
- Fivetran
- Hightouch
- Sigma
- zepl

Alejandro Penzini Answered question December 14, 2023
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