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Can you load data directly into a Snowflake table from an external stage? If so, how?

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Can you load data directly into a Snowflake table from an external stage? If so, how?

Daniel Steinhold Answered question August 9, 2023

Yes, you can load data directly into a Snowflake table from an external stage using the **`COPY INTO`** command. The **`COPY INTO`** command allows you to efficiently copy data from an external stage to a Snowflake table. This is a common method for loading large datasets into Snowflake.

Here's the basic syntax for using the **`COPY INTO`** command to load data from an external stage into a Snowflake table:

sqlCopy code
COPY INTO target_table
FROM @external_stage/file_path
FILE_FORMAT = (format_options);


- **`target_table`**: The name of the Snowflake table where you want to load the data.
- **`@external_stage/file_path`**: The reference to the external stage and the file path within the stage where the data is located.
- **`FILE_FORMAT`**: Specifies the file format options, such as delimiter, compression, and more.

Here's a step-by-step example:

1. **Create External Stage:**
Before you can use the **`COPY INTO`** command, you need to create an external stage that references the cloud storage location where your data is stored. You'll provide the necessary credentials and URL for the external stage.
2. **Load Data:**
Once the external stage is created, you can use the **`COPY INTO`** command to load data from the external stage into a Snowflake table.

Example SQL:

sqlCopy code
-- Create an external stage (if not already created)
URL = 's3://my-bucket/data/'
CREDENTIALS = (AWS_KEY_ID = 'my_key_id' AWS_SECRET_KEY = 'my_secret_key');

-- Load data from the external stage into a Snowflake table
COPY INTO my_target_table
FROM @my_external_stage/datafile.csv


In this example, data from the **`datafile.csv`** located in the **`my_external_stage`** external stage is loaded into the **`my_target_table`** Snowflake table. The **`FILE_FORMAT`** option specifies that the file format is CSV.

The **`COPY INTO`** command efficiently copies the data from the external stage to the target table. Snowflake handles the data transfer and loading process, ensuring that the data is loaded accurately and efficiently.

Please note that you'll need to replace the example values (**`my_bucket`**, **`my_key_id`**, **`my_secret_key`**, **`my_external_stage`**, **`my_target_table`**, **`datafile.csv`**, etc.) with the appropriate values for your setup.

Daniel Steinhold Answered question August 9, 2023

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