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Can I use Snowflake Row Access Policies on External Tables?

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Can I use Snowflake Row Access Policies on External Tables?

Frank Bell Answered question February 3, 2022

Yes. You can use Row Access Policies on External Tables. Similar to regular tables, you can add a row access policy for when you CREATE the external table or you can ALTER the external table and add a Row Access Policy. \n\nKEY POINTS on EXTERNAL TABLES and ROW ACCESS POLICIES (RAP)\n*You cannot add a row access policy to a virtual column directly [The only way to work around this would be to create a view on top of the external table and apply the RAP to the view columns)\n*When you clone \n*You cannot use an external table as a mapping table within a row access policy at this time. \n\nIf the data in the external table is necessary for the row access policy, consider moving the external table data to a dedicated schema within the database in which the row access policy exists prior to completing a clone operation. Update the row access policy to reference the fully qualified table name to ensure the policy refers to a table in the cloned database.

Frank Bell Answered question February 3, 2022

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