The Telecommunication Data Atlas offers the latest data on mobile and broadband coverage and usage, popular ICT development indices, as well as information on robotics, big data, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Track indicators such as share of Internet users, number of mobile cellular subscriptions, fixed and mobile broadband subscriptions, fixed telephone lines, forecast of demand for robots, share of enterprises buying cloud computing services and analysing big data. Topics covered: – Internet – Telecommunication Services – Cybersecurity – Advanced Technologies Datasets include: – OECD Broadband Database – ITU Global ICT Developments – ITU Global Cybersecurity Index – Eurostat Cloud Computing Services – 20+ others Please see reference table TELECOMMUNICATION.DATASETS that includes the list of all tables/datasets included in this listing, with key details on each table/dataset including name, source, frequency of refresh, source, documentation on data, etc. Fields include: – Share of Internet users – Mobile broadband subscriptions – Mobile cellular subscriptions – Secure Internet servers Sources include ITU, OECD, ILO, UNECE, Eurostat, World Bank, Akamai, European Commission. Datasets are updated within 1-7 days of the most recent data being made available by the underlying reporter. More detail on each of the datasets, fields, and sources included in the share can be found at the link in our documentation. Use cases – Forecasting demand for robots – Measuring technological impact on employment – Estimating a market potential