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SNL Media and Telecommunications

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Data Share Description:

SNL Media and Telecommunications

Data Share Frequency: Monthly
Data Share Category: Media
Data Share Type: Personalized
Data Share Date Added: February 1, 2021
Data Share Status: ACTIVE
Data Share Usage Example Q1: What are the average subscribers for National Geographic’s TV Network? SELECT SNL_MEDIATVNETWORKS_NETWORKPROFILE.”2_TVNetwork”, SNL_MEDIATVNETWORKS_NETWORKPROFILE.”4_NetworkStatus”, SNL_MEDIATVNETWORKS_NETWORKPROFILE.”5_Owners’Names”, SNL_MEDIATVNET
Data Share Usage Example SQL1 Last Tested: January 1, 1970
Related Company: S&P Global Market Intelligence

Data Share Overview:

Discover top U.S. video operators’ subscriber trends by market over time and analyze Global TV Networks’ P&L including subscribers, affiliate fees, and cash flow. TV Networks: Analyze Broadcast, Cable, Premium, RSN, and HSN networks financial performance benchmarks and forecasts in our TV Network database. Coverage includes over 600 TV Networks across 17 countries with 5-year projections. Gain insight into subscribers, advertising revenue, affiliate revenue, cash flow, acquired/original programming expenses, and more. MediaCensus Video: Understand the video landscape by analyzing the top operators by market in the United States. This dataset includes video subscriber estimates released quarterly for the top 14 video operators by 210 DMA (R) (Designated Market Areas) and allows you to uncover operator health trends to inform marketing, programming, and potential M&A decisions.

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