
Snowflake Cost Saving

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Application

Data Connector Documentation:

[Taboola, Taboola develops and markets a service for online content publishers and advertisers that recommends digital content to website users. You can find more information on , Taboola documentation, ., Features, Feature Name, Supported, Notes, Capture Deletes, Custom Data, Data Blocking, Column Hashing, Re-sync, check, Connector level and table level, History, API Configurable, Priority-first sync, check, Reporting tables, dbt Package, Setup guide, Follow our step-by-step , Taboola setup guide, to connect Taboola with your destination using Fivetran connectors., Schema information, This schema applies to all Taboola connectors, To zoom, open ERD in new window, Data Freshness, Data in Taboola reports can change retroactively during the Taboola billing cycle. This happens for multiple reasons, including billing rules that define guarantees as per average monthly RPMs, changes in billing rules during the billing cycle, click or impression fraud that is credited, and conversions that arrive out of order.nThis means that when Fivetran fetches report data from Taboola, the data for the entire billing cycle (current calendar month + previous calendar month up to the 5th in any given month) will be periodically refreshed.nFor more information, please refer to , “Taboolas API documentation”, .]

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