What factors contributed to NVIDIA success in AI?

Nvidia’s success in AI can be attributed to several factors. One of the primary factors is the company’s strategic vision to focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Nvidia recognized the potential of these technologies early on and invested heavily in developing hardware and software solutions that could cater to the specific needs of AI applications.

Another crucial factor in Nvidia’s success in AI is the development of its graphics processing units (GPUs). GPUs are specialized processors that can handle large amounts of data in parallel, making them ideal for AI and machine learning workloads. Nvidia’s GPUs have become a standard in the AI industry, powering many of the world’s largest data centers and enabling AI applications to run faster and more efficiently.

Nvidia’s commitment to research and development has also played a significant role in its success in AI. The company invests heavily in developing new technologies and collaborating with researchers and industry experts to push the boundaries of what is possible in AI. This approach has led to several important breakthroughs in areas such as deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing.

In addition to its technology and research efforts, Nvidia has also built a strong ecosystem of partnerships and collaborations with other companies and organizations in the AI industry. This has allowed the company to leverage the expertise of others and work together to develop new solutions and applications for AI.

Finally, Nvidia’s leadership and management team have been instrumental in its success in AI. The company’s CEO, Jensen Huang, is widely respected in the industry for his vision and leadership, and he has been instrumental in driving Nvidia’s growth in AI. The company’s culture of innovation and focus on customer needs has also helped it stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving industry.

What is CUDA by NVIDIA?

CUDA stands for Compute Unified Device Architecture and is a parallel computing platform that was developed by NVIDIA. It enables developers to access the power of the graphics processing unit (GPU) for general-purpose computing tasks.

Traditionally, GPUs were designed for graphics processing and were limited to specific tasks. However, with CUDA, developers can now use the GPU for a wide range of tasks that require intensive computation, such as machine learning, image and video processing, and scientific simulations.

CUDA consists of a programming model and a software platform that allows developers to write code in high-level programming languages such as C, C++, and Python, and execute it on the GPU. This means that developers can write code that runs on both the CPU and GPU, taking advantage of the massively parallel nature of the GPU to accelerate computation.

One of the key benefits of CUDA is its ability to accelerate complex computations, which can be up to 100 times faster than with traditional CPU-based computing. This is because the GPU is designed to handle large amounts of data in parallel, allowing for faster processing times.

CUDA is also highly scalable, which means that developers can take advantage of multiple GPUs to further increase performance. This makes it an ideal platform for applications that require high performance and scalability, such as deep learning and scientific simulations.

In summary, CUDA is a powerful parallel computing platform that enables developers to harness the power of the GPU for a wide range of tasks. Its ability to accelerate complex computations and scalability make it an ideal platform for applications that require high performance.

How did Nvidia’s GPUs contribute to the success of AlexNet and the subsequent advancements in AI?

Nvidia’s GPUs were instrumental in the success of AlexNet and the subsequent advancements in AI in a few key ways:

1. Processing Power for Deep Learning:

  • Challenge of Traditional CPUs: Deep learning algorithms require massive amounts of computational power to train complex neural networks. CPUs, while powerful for general tasks, struggle with the highly parallel nature of these computations.
  • GPUs to the Rescue: Nvidia’s GPUs, designed for intensive graphics processing, excel at parallel processing. This made them perfectly suited for the mathematical operations needed in training deep learning models.

2. AlexNet’s Breakthrough:

  • Image Recognition Feat: In 2012, AlexNet, a deep learning architecture developed by Alex Krizhevsky et al., achieved a breakthrough in image recognition accuracy on the ImageNet competition.
  • Powered by GPUs: Crucially, AlexNet’s training relied heavily on Nvidia GPUs. The computational power they provided allowed AlexNet to process the massive amount of image data required for training, achieving significantly better results than previous methods.

3. Impact on AI Research:

  • Faster Training, Faster Innovation: The success of AlexNet, heavily influenced by Nvidia’s GPUs, demonstrated the potential of deep learning. Training times that could take months on CPUs were reduced to days or even hours with GPUs. This significantly accelerated the pace of AI research.
  • A Catalyst for Deep Learning: AlexNet’s achievement, fueled by Nvidia’s GPUs, sparked a renewed interest in deep learning. Researchers around the world began exploring its potential in various fields, leading to significant advancements in areas like natural language processing, speech recognition, and robotics.

In essence, Nvidia’s GPUs provided the muscle needed for deep learning to flex its potential. AlexNet’s success served as a powerful validation, propelling deep learning into the spotlight and paving the way for the continuous advancements in AI we witness today.

How did Nvidia get involved in deep learning, and what role did they play in its early development?

Nvidia’s involvement with deep learning is considered a pivotal moment in the field’s resurgence. Here’s how it unfolded:

  • The Bottleneck: Deep learning existed before Nvidia’s involvement, but its progress was hampered by the computational demands of training complex neural networks. Traditional CPUs were simply too slow.

  • The Rise of GPUs: Around 2009, a key realization emerged. Researchers like Andrew Ng discovered that Nvidia’s Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), originally designed for video games, were much better suited for deep learning tasks [1]. This was due to their architecture optimized for parallel processing, which aligns well with the mathematical computations involved in training deep neural networks.

  • CUDA and Democratization: However, using GPUs for deep learning wasn’t straightforward. Nvidia addressed this by releasing CUDA, a programming framework that made it easier for researchers to develop deep learning models on their GPUs [2]. This opened the door for a wider range of researchers and developers to experiment with deep learning.

  • Speeding Up Deep Learning: GPUs offered a significant speed advantage. Training times that could take weeks on CPUs could be completed in days or even hours using GPUs. This dramatically accelerated the pace of deep learning research and development.

In summary, Nvidia’s contributions were multi-fold:

  • Identifying GPUs’ Potential: They recognized the suitability of their existing GPU technology for deep learning tasks.
  • CUDA for Easier Development: They created CUDA, a user-friendly programming interface that opened deep learning to a wider audience.
  • Boosting Processing Power: GPUs provided a significant speedup in training deep learning models, leading to faster innovation.

These factors together played a major role in propelling deep learning from a theoretical concept to a practical and powerful tool, paving the way for its many applications we see today.

What is Quadro RTX 6000 Passthrough?

Quadro RTX 6000 passthrough allows you to dedicate the powerful graphics processing unit (GPU) capabilities of a Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 card to a virtual machine (VM). This essentially gives the VM direct access to the GPU, enabling it to leverage the processing power for tasks like:

  • High-performance computing: Scientific simulations, engineering analysis, and other computationally intensive workloads.
  • Video editing and rendering: Editing high-resolution footage and rendering complex 3D scenes smoothly.
  • Machine learning and AI: Training and running machine learning models that benefit from GPU acceleration.

Here’s a breakdown of the concept:

  • Physical Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 card: Installed in a computer system.
  • Virtualization software: Software like VMware or Proxmox that allows creating VMs.
  • Passthrough: A feature in the virtualization software that redirects the GPU from the host system (the computer running the VM) directly to the guest VM.

Bypassing the host system and providing direct access, the VM can utilize the full potential of the Quadro RTX 6000 for graphics processing tasks. This is beneficial for professional applications that demand significant GPU horsepower.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Supported environments: The Quadro RTX 6000 is compatible with passthrough on various virtualization platforms like VMware and XenServer [1, 2].
  • Driver installation: The VM needs appropriate drivers installed to recognize and utilize the passed-through GPU.
  • Complexity: Setting up GPU passthrough can involve some technical configuration steps within the virtualization software. There are resources available online to guide you through the process for specific software.

Overall, Quadro RTX 6000 passthrough is a valuable technique for maximizing the performance of graphics-intensive workloads within virtualized environments.

Why is Quadro RTX6000 Passthrough on ESXi 7.03 not working in a VM?

Quadro RTX6000 Passthrough on ESXi 7.03 may not be working in a virtual machine (VM) for a variety of reasons. One potential explanation is that the ESXi host may not have sufficient resources allocated to it. This can include CPU, memory, or disk space, among other things.

Another possible culprit is that the host’s BIOS settings may not be configured correctly. Passthrough technology requires certain settings to be enabled in order to function properly, such as Intel VT-d or AMD-Vi. If these options are not enabled in the BIOS, the passthrough may be unsuccessful.

Additionally, there may be compatibility issues with the hardware or software being used. For example, the Quadro RTX6000 may not be compatible with certain versions of ESXi, or may require specific drivers that are not installed on the host.

Lastly, it is possible that there are configuration issues within the VM itself. This can include incorrect virtual hardware settings or outdated virtual machine tools. It is important to ensure that the VM is configured correctly and that all necessary updates have been installed.

In order to troubleshoot the issue, it may be helpful to consult the documentation for both the ESXi host and the Quadro RTX6000, as well as any relevant forums or support pages. It may also be beneficial to contact the manufacturer for additional assistance. By identifying and addressing the underlying cause of the passthrough failure, it is possible to successfully enable Quadro RTX6000 Passthrough on ESXi 7.03 in a VM.

How to address the H100 after disabling NVIDIA MIG – CUDA busy or unavailable issue?

After disabling NVIDIA MIG, you may encounter a CUDA busy or unavailable issue with H100. This issue can be addressed using a few different methods, depending on the root cause.

First, ensure that the NVIDIA driver is properly installed and up to date. The H100 requires a driver version of at least 450.36.06. If the driver is not up to date, download and install the latest version from the NVIDIA website.

If the driver is up to date and the issue persists, check that the H100 is properly connected to the system and powered on. Make sure that all cables are securely connected and that the H100 is receiving power.

Another possible solution is to reset the GPU. This can be done by using the nvidia-smi command line utility. Simply run the following command:

nvidia-smi –gpu-reset -i <GPU ID>

Replace <GPU ID> with the ID of the H100 GPU. This will reset the GPU and may resolve the CUDA busy or unavailable issue.

If the issue still persists, try disabling and re-enabling the H100 in the NVIDIA Control Panel. To do this, open the NVIDIA Control Panel, navigate to the Manage 3D Settings tab, and click on the “Disable” button next to the H100 GPU. Wait a few moments and then click on the “Enable” button to re-enable the GPU.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to contact NVIDIA support for further assistance. They can help diagnose and resolve any issues with the H100 or the NVIDIA driver.

Who is buying Nvidia AI chips?

Nvidia is one of the leading manufacturers of AI chips, which are specialized processors designed for artificial intelligence applications. But, interestingly, Nvidia doesn’t solely rely on itself for the supply of these AI chips. In fact, Nvidia sources its AI chips from a variety of manufacturers.

One of the primary suppliers of AI chips for Nvidia is Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC). TSMC is a leading semiconductor manufacturer that produces chips for a variety of industries, including AI. Nvidia uses TSMC’s advanced manufacturing technology to produce its AI chips. Another key supplier of AI chips for Nvidia is Samsung Electronics, a South Korean multinational electronics company. Samsung provides Nvidia with memory chips to integrate into its AI chips.

Additionally, Nvidia also collaborates with a number of other companies to produce its AI chips. For instance, the company works with Intel to develop specialized processors for deep learning applications. Nvidia also collaborates with AMD to develop graphics processors for gaming applications.

In summary, while Nvidia is a leading manufacturer of AI chips, it doesn’t solely rely on itself for the supply of these chips. Rather, it collaborates with a variety of semiconductor manufacturers, including TSMC and Samsung, to produce its AI chips. Additionally, the company collaborates with other companies, such as Intel and AMD, to develop specialized processors for AI and gaming applications.

Does AI need a chip?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. To enable AI to work efficiently, it needs a specialized chip that is designed to handle the complex tasks involved in machine learning.

AI chips are essentially specialized processors that are optimized for processing the large amounts of data that is required for machine learning. These chips are designed to perform complex mathematical calculations that are required for tasks such as speech recognition, image processing, and natural language processing.

The development of AI chips has been driven by the need for faster and more efficient computation. Traditional processors are not well-suited for the demands of AI workloads, which require high parallelism and low power consumption. AI chips are designed to handle these requirements, providing faster and more efficient computation than traditional processors.

There are a number of companies that are developing AI chips, including major players such as Intel, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm. These companies are investing heavily in the development of new AI chips, as they see the potential for AI to transform a wide range of industries.

In conclusion, AI needs a specialized chip in order to work efficiently. AI chips are designed to handle the complex tasks involved in machine learning, providing faster and more efficient computation than traditional processors. As the field of AI continues to grow, we can expect to see continued investment in the development of new AI chips, as companies seek to capitalize on the potential of this transformative technology.

Can AI exist without hardware?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence to complete. For AI to exist, it needs hardware to run on. Hardware is the physical components of a computer system that make it possible for software to execute instructions and perform calculations.

AI is reliant on hardware to process data, run algorithms, and make predictions based on that data. Without hardware, AI cannot exist. In fact, the hardware requirements for AI are often quite demanding, requiring significant processing power, memory, and storage capacity.

There are different types of hardware that can be used for AI, including central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Each type of hardware has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of hardware depends on the specific AI application and the desired performance.

In conclusion, AI cannot exist without hardware. Hardware is essential for processing data, running algorithms, and making predictions based on that data. The hardware requirements for AI are often quite demanding, requiring significant processing power, memory, and storage capacity. There are different types of hardware that can be used for AI, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The choice of hardware depends on the specific AI application and the desired performance.

What code does AI use?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, uses a variety of programming languages and code to operate. The specific code used by AI varies depending on the specific application and task it is designed to perform.

One of the most commonly used languages for AI is Python. Python is a versatile language that is easy to learn and has a wide array of libraries and tools specifically designed for AI and machine learning. Some of the popular libraries used by AI developers in Python include TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch.

Another popular language for AI is Java. Java is widely used in enterprise applications and has a strong ecosystem of libraries and tools for AI development. Popular Java libraries for AI include Weka, Deeplearning4j, and DL4J.

C++ is another language used in AI, particularly for applications that require high performance or real-time processing. C++ is used to develop many of the underlying algorithms and frameworks that power AI, such as OpenCV and CUDA.

In addition to these languages, other programming languages and tools used in AI include R, MATLAB, and Julia. Ultimately, the choice of programming language and tools depends on the specific needs of the AI application and the preferences of the developer or team.

In conclusion, AI uses a variety of programming languages and code, including Python, Java, C++, R, MATLAB, and Julia. Each language offers its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of language and tools depends on the specific needs of the AI application.

What is generative AI Nvidia?

Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that involves training computer systems to learn from existing data and generate new data in a similar style. Nvidia, a technology company primarily known for its graphics processing units (GPUs), has made significant strides in generative AI technology.

One of Nvidia’s most notable contributions to generative AI is their GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) technology. GANs involve two neural networks that work together to generate new data. One network is the generator, which creates new data, while the other network is the discriminator, which evaluates the generated data and provides feedback to improve the generator’s output. This process allows for the creation of realistic images, videos, and even audio.

Nvidia has also made significant progress in using generative AI for creative purposes. They developed a program called GauGAN, which allows users to create photorealistic landscapes using simple brush strokes. This program uses generative AI to render realistic textures, lighting, and even reflections in real-time.

In addition to creative applications, Nvidia’s generative AI technology has practical uses as well. They have used it to enhance the resolution of low-quality images, such as those from security cameras, to make them more useful for identification purposes. They have also used generative AI to create realistic synthetic data for training autonomous vehicles.

Overall, Nvidia’s generative AI technology has the potential to revolutionize a variety of industries, from entertainment to healthcare. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more impressive applications to emerge.

Is Alexa a generative AI?

Alexa is not a generative AI. Instead, Alexa is a rule-based system that relies on pre-programmed responses to specific prompts or commands. While Alexa does have some ability to adapt to user inputs and personalize responses based on past interactions, it does not have the capability to generate entirely new responses or think creatively on its own.

Generative AI, on the other hand, is designed to create new content or responses that have not been pre-programmed. These systems use complex algorithms and machine learning to analyze and understand data, and then generate unique outputs based on that understanding. This type of AI is often used in fields such as natural language processing, image and video generation, and even music composition.

While Alexa may not be a generative AI, it still represents a significant advancement in AI technology and has many practical applications in the home and workplace. Its ability to understand and respond to natural language inputs has made it a popular tool for managing smart homes and conducting various tasks hands-free. As technology continues to evolve, it is possible that future iterations of Alexa and similar systems may incorporate more generative AI features, opening up even more possibilities for innovation and creativity.

What is the downside of generative AI?

Generative AI, also known as GAI, has been making headlines in recent years due to its ability to create highly realistic and convincing content. This technology leverages neural networks to generate novel content, including images, music, and even text. While GAI has the potential to revolutionize various industries, it also has its downsides.

One of the major downsides of generative AI is the issue of bias. Since GAI is trained using large datasets, it can sometimes perpetuate the biases present in those datasets. For example, if a GAI system is trained on a dataset that predominantly includes images of white men, it may have difficulty generating images of people from underrepresented groups. This can lead to reinforcing existing stereotypes and marginalizing certain groups.

Another downside of GAI is the potential for misuse. As with any powerful technology, there are concerns that GAI could be used for malicious purposes, such as creating fake news or deepfakes. This could have serious implications for individuals and society as a whole, as it could lead to widespread distrust and confusion.

Additionally, GAI can also raise ethical concerns when it comes to intellectual property. Since GAI can create original content, there are questions around who owns the rights to that content. This could have implications for the creative industry, as it could devalue the work of human artists and writers.

In conclusion, while generative AI has the potential to be a game-changer in various industries, it also has its downsides. Issues of bias, misuse, and intellectual property are just a few of the concerns that need to be addressed as this technology continues to evolve and become more widespread.

How do you use Python on Snowflake Cortex?

Here are some things you should know when using Python and some guides.


How to use Snowflake Cortex LLM functions in Python:

  • Snowpark ML version required: You need Snowpark ML version 1.1.2 or later to use these functions. Check the instructions for Installing Snowpark ML: [search how to install snowpark ml ON Snowflake docs.snowflake.com].

  • Running outside Snowflake: If your Python script isn’t running within Snowflake itself, you’ll need to create a Snowpark session first. Find instructions for Connecting to Snowflake: [search how to connect to snowflake ON docs.snowflake.com].

  • Using functions with single values: The provided code example shows how to use different Cortex LLM functions on individual pieces of text. It demonstrates functions like Complete for generating text, ExtractAnswer for finding answers within text, Sentiment for analyzing emotions, Summarize for creating summaries, and Translate for translating languages.

  • Using functions with tables: This section explains how to use Cortex LLM functions on data stored in tables. It requires a Snowpark session and a table with a text column. The example creates a new column containing summaries of the existing text data using the Summarize function.

What are the most common error messages in Snowflake Cortex?

Here are the most common error messages you can get and a brief description of them.


Message Explanation
too many requests The request was rejected due to excessive system load. Please try your request again.
invalid options object The options object passed to the function contains invalid options or values.
budget exceeded The model consumption budget was exceeded.
unknown model "<model name>" The specified model does not exist.
invalid language "<language>" The specified language is not supported by the TRANSLATE function.
max tokens of <count> exceeded The request exceeded the maximum number of tokens supported by the model (see Model Restrictions).
all requests were throttled by remote service The number of requests exceeds the limit. Try again later.

What are the model restrictions of Snowflake Cortex?

Snowflake Cortex models have size limits to ensure smooth operation. These limits are measured in tokens, which are similar to words. However, some tokens aren’t actual words, so the exact number of words you can use might be slightly less than the limit. If you try to enter more than the allowed amount, you’ll get an error message.


Function Model Context window (tokens)
COMPLETE mistral-large 32,000
mixtral-8x7b 32,000
llama-2-70b-chat 4,096
mistral-7b 32,000
gemma-7b 8,000
EXTRACT_ANSWER Snowflake managed model
2,048 for text
64 for question
SENTIMENT Snowflake managed model 512
SUMMARIZE Snowflake managed model 32,000
TRANSLATE Snowflake managed model 1,024

What are the usage quotas of Snowflake Cortex?

To ensure everyone gets the best performance, Snowflake limits how much you can use Cortex LLM functions. If you use them too much, your requests might be slowed down. These limits may change over time. The table below shows the current limits per account.


Function (Model) Tokens processed per minute (TPM) Rows processed per minute (RPM)
COMPLETE (mistral-large) 200,000 100
COMPLETE (mixtral-8x7b) 300,000 400
COMPLETE (llama2-70b-chat) 300,000 400
COMPLETE (mistral-7b) 300,000 500
COMPLETE (gemma-7b) 300,000 500
EXTRACT_ANSWER 1,000,000 3,000
SENTIMENT 1,000,000 5,000
SUMMARIZE 300,000 500
TRANSLATE 1,000,000 2,000



On-demand Snowflake accounts without a valid payment method (such as trial accounts) are limited to roughly one credit per day in Snowflake Cortex LLM function usage.

What are the functions available in Snowflake Cortex?

Snowflake Cortex features are provided as SQL functions and are also available in Python. The available functions are summarized below.

  • COMPLETE: Given a prompt, returns a response that completes the prompt. This function accepts either a single prompt or a conversation with multiple prompts and responses.
  • EXTRACT_ANSWER: Given a question and unstructured data, returns the answer to the question if it can be found in the data.
  • SENTIMENT: Returns a sentiment score, from -1 to 1, representing the detected positive or negative sentiment of the given text.
  • SUMMARIZE: Returns a summary of the given text.
  • TRANSLATE: Translates given text from any supported language to any other.

How do I get Cortex functions enabled in my account?

Only the ACCOUNTADMIN role has access to use the LLMs in your organizations. However, the admin can grant this access to other users. Keep in mind that when using a Snowflake Free Trial, anyone can use the ACCOUNTADMIN role.