Data Share Usage Example Q1: What is the general government net borrowing to GDP ratio in the US over time?
SELECT * FROM “GOVERNMENTFINANCE”.”USWHOMSRS2020″ WHERE “Variable Name” = ‘Surplus or Deficit, Total (percentage of GDP)’ ORDER BY “Date”
The Government Finance Data Atlas provides a wide range of indicators aimed at helping experts, analysts, and national authorities to strengthen their capacity to formulate fiscal policy, monitor fiscal developments, and estimate risks to fiscal stability. Government Finance Data Atlas contains detailed data on revenue, expense, transactions in assets and liabilities, and stocks positions in assets and liabilities of the general government and its sub-sectors.
Topics covered:
– Government Revenues
– Government Expenditures
– Budget Deficit
– Government Debt
– Tax Rates
– Budget Projections
Datasets include:
– IMF Government Finance Statistics
– World Bank Quarterly Public Sector Debt
– OECD Social Expenditure
– Eurostat General Government Deficit and Surplus
– The White House US Government Finance Statistics
– 230+ others
Please see reference table GOVERNMENTFINANCE_DATASETS that includes the list of all tables/datasets included in this listing, with key details on each table/dataset including name, source, frequency of refresh, source, documentation on data, etc.
Fields include:
– Government receipts
– Government outlays
– Social expenditure
– Income tax
– Net lending/net borrowing
– Foreign holders of treasury securities
Sources include IMF, World Bank, OECD, Eurostat, The White House, US Congressional Budget Office, US Department of the Treasury, Deutsche Bundesbank, Income Tax Department of India, Ministry of Finance of Japan. Datasets are updated within 1-7 days of the most recent data being made available by the underlying reporter. More detail on each of the datasets, fields, and sources included in the share can be found at the link in our documentation.
Use cases
– Forecasting tax revenues of a country
– Estimating government finance stability and monitoring fiscal developments
– Assessing a country’s structural budget balance