Yahoo Gemini (Verizon Media)

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Application

Data Connector Documentation:

[Verizon Media, Verizon Media (formerly known as Yahoo Gemini) offers you information about the performance of your Verizon Media Ads. You can find more information about it on , “Verizon Medias documentation page”, ., Features, Featurexa0Namexa0xa0xa0xa0, Supported, Notes, Capture Deletes, Custom Data, check, AD_HISTORY, table., All fields with prefix , custom_, in the , AD_EXTENSION_HISTORY , AD_GROUP_HISTORY , ADVERTISER_HISTORY , CAMPAIGN_HISTORY , KEYWORD_HISTORY , SHARED_SITELINK_HISTORY and , SHARED_SITELINK_SETTING, tables., Data Blocking, check, Table level. All the report tables: , CAMPAIGN_BID_PERFORMANCE_STATS_REPORT , CONVERSION_RULES_STATS_REPORT , KEYWORD_STATS_REPORT , PERFORMANCE_STATS_DAILY_REPORT , PERFORMANCE_STATS_HOURLY_REPORT , PRODUCT_AD_PERFORMANCE_STATS_DAILY_REPORT , PRODUCT_ADS_REPORT , SEARCH_STATS_REPORT , SITE_PERFORMANCE_STATS_REPORT , SLOT_PERFORMANCE_STATS_DAILY_REPORT , SLOT_PERFORMANCE_STATS_HOURLY_REPORT, and , USER_STATS_REPORT, Column Hashing, Re-sync, check, Connector level, History, check, AD_HISTORY , AD_EXTENSION_HISTORY , AD_GROUP_HISTORY , AD_URL_TAG_HISTORY , CAMPAIGN_HISTORY , KEYWORD_HISTORY , KEYWORD_URL_TAG_HISTORY , SHARED_SITELINK_HISTORY , SHARED_SITELINK_URL_TAG_HISTORY and , TARGETING_ATTRIBUTE_HISTORY, tables only., API Configurable, check, Priority-first sync, dbt Package, Setup guide, Follow our step-by-step , Verizon Media setup guide, to connect Verizon Media with your destination using Fivetran connectors., Schema information, This schema applies to all Verizon Media connectors, Accounts Schema, To zoom, open ERD in new window, Report Tables, In the following section, COLUMN lists the title of every column in each table and REFERENCE tells you which table and column you can join the current table with., AD_EXTENSION_DETAIL_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_extn_id üîë, AD_EXTENSION_HISTORY, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, ad_id üîë, AD_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, device_type üîë, keyword_id üîë, KEYWORD_HISTORY, average_call_duration, average_cost-per-install, average_cpc, average_cpm, average_position, call_conversion, clicks, conversions, ctr, destination_url, impressions, max_bid, pricing_type, spend, ADJUSTMENT_STATS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, source_name üîë, adjustment_type, average_position, clicks, conversions, impressions, is_adjustment, pricing_type, spend, CAMPAIGN_BID_PERFORMANCE_STATS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, supply_type, group_or_site, group, bid_modifier, average_bid, modified_bid, impressions, clicks, post_click_conversions, post_impression_conversions, conversions, cost, ctr, average_cpc, CALL_EXTENSION_STATS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, call_duration, call_end_time, call_start_time, call_status, caller_area_code, caller_name, caller_number, CONVERSION_RULES_STATS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, keyword_id üîë, KEYWORD_HISTORY, dayüîë, source_name üîë, category_name, conversion_device, conversion_value, conversions, landing_page_type, post_click_conversion_value, post_click_conversions, post_view_conversions, price_type, rule_id, rule_name, KEYWORD_STATS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, ad_id üîë, AD_HISTORY, day üîë, device_type üîë, keyword_id üîë, KEYWORD_HISTORY, source_name üîë, average_cpc, average_cpm, average_position, clicks, conversions, ctr, impressions, max_bid, post_click_conversions, post_impression_conversions, spend, total_conversions, PERFORMANCE_STATS_DAILY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, ad_id üîë, AD_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, device_type üîë, source_name üîë, ad_extn_clicks, ad_extn_conversions, ad_extn_impressions, ad_extn_spend, average_cpc, average_cpm, average_position, click_outs, click_outs_rate, clicks, conversions, cost_per_video_view, ctr, forward_rate, forwards, impressions, max_bid, opens, post_click_conversions, post_impression_conversions, pricing_type, save_rate, saves, spend, total_conversions, video_100, video_25, video_50, video_75, video_after_30_seconds_view, video_closed, video_skipped, video_starts, video_views, PERFORMANCE_STATS_HOURLY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, ad_id üîë, AD_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, device_type üîë, hour üîë, source_name üîë, ad_extn_clicks, ad_extn_conversions, ad_extn_impressions, ad_extn_spend, average_cpc, average_cpm, average_position, click_outs, click_outs_rate, clicks, conversions, cost_per_video_view, ctr, forward_rate, forwards, impressions, max_bid, opens, post_click_conversions, post_impression_conversions, pricing_type, save_rate, saves, spend, total_conversions, video_100, video_25, video_50, video_75, video_after_30_seconds_view, video_closed, video_skipped, video_starts, video_views, PRODUCT_AD_PERFORMANCE_DAILY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, device_type üîë, product_ad_id üîë, source_name üîë, ad_extn_clicks, ad_extn_conversions, ad_extn_impressions, ad_extn_spend, average_cpc, average_cpm, average_position, click_outs, click_outs_rate, clicks, conversions, cost_per_video_view, ctr, forward_rate, forwards, impressions, max_bid, opens, post_click_conversions, post_impression_conversions, pricing_type, save_rate, saves, spend, total_conversions, video_100%_complete, video_25%_complete, video_50%_complete, video_75%_complete, video_after_30_seconds_view, video_closed, video_skipped, video_starts, video_views, PRODUCT_ADS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, category_id üîë, day üîë, device_type üîë, average_cpc, brand, category_name, category_path, clicks, ctr, custom_label_0, custom_label_1, custom_label_2, custom_label_3, custom_label_4, impressions, parent_category_id, product_id, product_name, product_type, source, spend, total_conversions, SEARCH_STATS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, ad_id üîë, AD_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, device_type üîë, keyword_id üîë, average_cpc, average_position, click_share, clicks, conversion_share, conversions, ctr, delivered_match_type, destination_url, impression_share, impressions, max_bid, post_click_conversions, post_impression_conversions, search_term, spend, SLOT_PERFORMANCE_DAILY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, ad_id üîë, AD_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, ad_format_name, ad_slot_type, card_id, card_position, clicks, ctr, impressions, post_click_conversions, pricing_type, rendered_type, source, spend, tile_position, SLOT_PERFORMANCE_HOURLY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, ad_id üîë, AD_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, hour üîë, ad_format_name, ad_slot_type, card_id, card_position, clicks, ctr, impressions, post_click_conversions, pricing_type, rendered_type, source, spend, tile_position, SITE_PERFORMANCE_STATS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, average_bid, average_cpc, clicks, conversions, cost, ctr, group, group_or_site, impressions, modified_bid, post_click_conversions, post_impression_conversions, supply_type, USER_STATS_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_group_id üîë, AD_GROUP_HISTORY, ad_id üîë, AD_HISTORY, advertiser_id üîë, ADVERTISER_HISTORY, audience_id üîë, campaign_id üîë, CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, day üîë, device_type üîë, keyword_id üîë, KEYWORD_HISTORY, source_name üîë, ad_extn_clicks, ad_extn_impressions, ad_extn_spend, age, audience_name, audience_status, audience_type, average_position, city, city_woeid, clicks, conversions, cost_per_video_view, country, country_woeid, dma_woeid, engagement_rate, engagements, follow_rate, follows, gender, impressions, landing_page_type, like_rate, likes, location_type, paid_engagement_rate, paid_engagements, post_click_conversions, post_impression_conversions, pricing_type, reblog_rate, reblogs, spend, state, state_woeid, total_conversions, video_100%_complete, video_25%_complete, video_50%_complete, video_75%_complete, video_after_30_seconds_view, video_closed, video_skipped, video_starts, video_views, zip, zip_woeid, Sync notes, The default retention period for Verizon Media reporting tables is 400 days. However, for , PERFORMANCE_STATS_HOURLY_REPORT, and , SLOT_PERFORMANCE_HOURLY_REPORT, report type, retention period is only 15 days. See , “Verizon Medias documentation”, for more information., We skip the rows of a table if the , fact_conversion_counting, column is empty. We sync the skipped rows after the , fact_conversion_counting, column is populated with the final values to avoid duplicate data rows. , n]

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