Snapchat Ads

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Application

Data Connector Documentation:

[Snapchat Ads, Snapchat Ads provides a platform to create, manage and measure your campaigns. You can find more information on , Snapchat documentation, . Snapchat Ads connector provides a history of the settings and detailed reports of your Snapchat Ad Accounts, Campaigns, Ad Squads, and Media Creatives., Features, Featurexa0Namexa0xa0xa0xa0, Supported, Notes, Capture Deletes, Custom Data, check, Only in , CAMPAIGN_HISTORY, table. All fields prefixed with , measurement_spec_, ., Data Blocking, Column Hashing, Re-sync, check, Connector level, History, check, All tables, API Configurable, check, Priority-first sync, check, Reporting tables, dbt Package, Setup Guide, Follow our , step-by-step Snapchat Ads setup guide, to connect Snapchat Ads with your destination using Fivetran connectors., Sync overview, Snapchat takes around 48-72 hours to process finalised data. Following metrics will not be available in current and previous day reports:, attachment_frequency, attachment_uniques, avg_screen_time_millis, frequency, uniques, story_opens, story_completes , Schema information, This schema applies to all Snapchat Ads connectors, To zoom, open ERD in new window, Notes, We skip A/B Segment testing records in , audience_segment_history, ” table since they arent created or manipulated via the API. Due to this fact, they dont have the “, updated_at, property which we need as a part of our composite Primary Key., Report Tables, Following are the list of report tables synced by Snapchat Ads connector. , CAMPAIGN_HOURLY_REPORT , AD_HOURLY_REPORT, and , AD_SQUAD_HOURLY_REPORT, will contain all the metrics which can be summed up.n, UNIQUE_IMPRESSION, report tables contain only non-summable metrics for both , Hour, and , Day, granularity. , CAMPAIGN_HOURLY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, campaign_id üîë, campaign_history, date üîë, android_installs, attachment metrics*, avg_screen_time_millis, avg_view_time_millis, conversion metrics*, impressions, ios_installs, quartile_1, quartile_2, quartile_3, screen_time_millis, spend, story_completes, story_opens, swipe_up_percent, swipes, total_installs, video_views, view_completion, view_time_millis, AD_HOURLY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_id üîë, ad_history, date üîë, android_installs, attachment metrics*, avg_screen_time_millis, avg_view_time_millis, conversion metrics*, impressions, ios_installs, quartile_1, quartile_2, quartile_3, screen_time_millis, spend, story_completes, story_opens, swipe_up_percent, swipes, total_installs, video_views, view_completion, view_time_millis, AD_SQUAD_HOURLY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_squad_id üîë, ad_squad_history, date üîë, android_installs, attachment metrics*, avg_screen_time_millis, avg_view_time_millis, conversion metrics*, impressions, ios_installs, quartile_1, quartile_2, quartile_3, screen_time_millis, spend, story_completes, story_opens, swipe_up_percent, swipes, total_installs, video_views, view_completion, view_time_millis, CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IMPRESSION_HOURLY_REPORT & CAMPAIGN_UNIQUE_IMPRESSION_DAILY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, campaign_id üîë, campaign_history, date üîë, attachment_frequency, attachment_uniques, frequency, uniques, AD_UNIQUE_IMPRESSION_HOURLY_REPORT & AD_UNIQUE_IMPRESSION_DAILY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_id üîë, ad_history, date üîë, attachment_frequency, attachment_uniques, frequency, uniques, AD_SQUAD_UNIQUE_IMPRESSION_HOURLY_REPORT & AD_SQUAD_UNIQUE_IMPRESSION_DAILY_REPORT, COLUMN, REFERENCE, ad_squad_id üîë, ad_squad_history, date üîë, attachment_frequency, attachment_uniques, frequency, uniques, n]

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