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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Application

Data Connector Documentation:

[Sailthru , Beta, Sailthru, ” provides services for email management. Sailthru services include scheduling and sending campaigns and transactional emails to each users interest.nCampaigns are email messages scheduled for group of users based on a specific template. It can contain news update or promotional messages.nTransactional emails are sent to a particular user in response to a specific action.”, Features, Feature Name, Supported, Notes, Capture Deletes, Custom Data, check, All tables and fields, Data Blocking, Column Hashing, Re-sync, check, Connector level, History, API Configurable, check, Priority-first sync, dbt Package, Setup guide, Follow our , step-by-step Sailthru setup guide, to connect Sailthru with your destination using Fivetran connectors., Schema information, This schema applies to all Sailthru connectors., To zoom, open ERD in new window, Schema notes, _fivetran_purchase_id, is a calculated hash that is added as the primary key in , purchase, and , purchase_item, table., _fivetran_campaign_query_id, is a calculated hash that is added as the primary key in , campaign_query, and , campaign_click, table., Sailthru does not provide email addresses in user report. , email_hash, column in , user, table contains MD5 hash values of email addresses.]

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