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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Application

Data Connector Documentation:

[QuickBooks, QuickBooks, is , “Intuit Incs”, ” set of software solutions designed to manage payroll, inventory, sales and other needs of a small business. The softwares features include marketing tools, merchant services, product and supplies, training solutions.”, Features, Featurexa0Namexa0xa0xa0xa0, Supported, Notes, Capture Deletes, check, ACCOUNT , BUDGET , BUNDLE , CLASS , CUSTOMER , DEPARTMENT , EMPLOYEE , ITEM , PAYMENT_METHOD , TAX_CODE , TAX_RATE , TERM and , VENDOR, tables through the , active, column. , BILL, BILL_PAYMENT, CREDIT_MEMO, DEPOSIT , ESTIMATE , INVOICE , JOURNAL_ENTRY , PAYMENT , PURCHASE , PURCHASE_ORDER , REFUND_RECEIPT , SALES_RECEIPT, TIME_ACTIVITY , TRANSFER , VENDOR_CREDIT, through the , _fivetran_deleted, column., Custom Data, check, CREDIT_MEMO , ESTIMATE , INVOICE , PURCHASE_ORDER , REFUND_RECEIPT and , SALES_RECEIPT, tables, Data Blocking, check, Table level, Column Hashing, Re-sync, check, Connector level, History, check, Updates are captured for all tables, API Configurable, check, Priority-first sync, dbt Package, Setup guide, Follow our step-by-step , QuickBooks setup guide, to connect QuickBooks with your destination using Fivetran connectors., Schema information, This schema applies to all QuickBooks connections., To zoom, open ERD in new window, Deleted Rows, QuickBooks API does not support permanently removing objects. Instead there is an “ACTIVE” column in the following tables, which is used for marking deleted/inactive records. It is not available for all tables as their corresponding endpoint does not support Active IN (true, false) queries., ACCOUNT, BUDGET, CLASS, CUSTOMER, DEPARTMENT, EMPLOYEE, ITEM, PAYMENT_METHOD, TAX_CODE, TAX_RATE, TERM, VENDOR, n]

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