Oracle RAC

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Database

Data Connector Documentation:

[Oracle RAC Setup Guide , PRIVATE PREVIEW, Follow these instructions to replicate your Oracle RAC database to your destination using Fivetran., Allow access, “Decide whether to connect to your destination directly or connect using an SSH tunnel. If your Oracle database is version 12.1 or below, youll need to connect using an SSH tunnel.”, To connect using an SSH tunnel, follow , these instructions, ., To connect directly, configure your firewall and/or other access control systems to allow incoming connections to your Oracle database host and port (usually , 1521, ) from , “Fivetrans IP”, ., Create user, Connect to your Oracle RAC database as an admin user., Execute the following SQL commands to create a user for Fivetran and grant it permission to connect to your database. Replace , , with a password of your choice:, CREATE USER FIVETRAN IDENTIFIED BY ;nGRANT CREATE SESSION TO FIVETRAN;n, Grant read-only access, “Once youve created the “, FIVETRAN, user, grant it , SELECT, permission for each schema and table you would like to sync:, GRANT SELECT ON “”.”” TO FIVETRAN;nGRANT SELECT ON “”.”” TO FIVETRAN;nGRANT SELECT ON “”.”” TO FIVETRAN;n, Alternatively, you can grant access to all tables:, GRANT SELECT ANY TABLE TO FIVETRAN;n, Grant the , FIVETRAN, user access to the , DBA_EXTENTS , DBA_TABLESPACES, and , DBA_SEGMENTS, system views:, GRANT SELECT ON DBA_EXTENTS TO FIVETRAN;nGRANT SELECT ON DBA_TABLESPACES TO FIVETRAN;nGRANT SELECT ON DBA_SEGMENTS TO FIVETRAN;n, Note: Oracle RAC defaults to using uppercase, unless values are surrounded by double quotes., Enable Flashback, “To keep your data up to date after the initial sync, we use Oracles built-in Flashback technology. Flashback keeps a record of recent data changes, which allows Fivetran to update only the data that has changed since our last sync.”, Flashback uses Automatic Undo Management to record all committed changes for each included table. To enable Flashback, follow these steps:, Grant the , FIVETRAN, user access to additional system views:, GRANT SELECT ON DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE TO FIVETRAN;nGRANT SELECT ON DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TABLES TO FIVETRAN;nGRANT SELECT ON V_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER TO FIVETRAN;nGRANT SELECT ON V_$DATABASE TO FIVETRAN;n, Create a tablespace with enough space to store about 7 days’ worth of database changes., CREATE TABLESPACE DATAFILE SIZE 1G AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE ;n, Create a Flashback Data Archive with at least 1 day of retention (Fivetran recommends 7 days)., CREATE FLASHBACK ARCHIVE TABLESPACE RETENTION 7 DAY;n, Add all tables you want to sync to the archive., ALTER TABLE “”.”” FLASHBACK ARCHIVE ;n, Grant the , FIVETRAN, user permission to run Flashback queries on the tables you want to sync. You can either do this per table:, GRANT FLASHBACK ON “”.”” TO FIVETRAN;n, or for all tables:, GRANT FLASHBACK ANY TABLE TO FIVETRAN;n, Add an index to FDA-generated history tables (Optional), Flashback queries are significantly more efficient with an index on the history tables generated by Flashback Data Archive. The addition of this index can make your sync significantly faster and more resource-efficient, especially if your database is large or has a high change volume. To add indices, follow these steps:, Find the system-generated history tables for each of your Flashback-enabled tables by running the following query:, SELECT TABLE_NAME, ARCHIVE_TABLE_NAME FROM DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TABLES;n, For each of the , ARCHIVE_TABLE_NAME, s returned in the previous query, add an index on the , STARTSCN, column:, CREATE INDEX ON (STARTSCN);n, Related articles, description, Connector Overview, , account_tree, Schema Information, , assignment, Release Notes, , settings, API Connector Configuration, , home, Documentation Home]

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