MongoDB Sharded

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Database

Data Connector Documentation:

[MongoDB Sharded Cluster Setup Guide, Follow these instructions to connect your MongoDB sharded cluster to your destination using Fivetran. , Prerequisites, To connect your MongoDB database to Fivetran, you need:, MongoDB version 2.6 to 4.2 , IP (e.g. or host (, Port (usually 27017), “Note: Fivetran does not support Mongo tiers M0, M2, or M5 because MongoDBs smaller managed tiers do not provide oplogs. We need oplogs to perform incremental updates.”, Allow access , This step allows Fivetran to access your database., “Connect to MongoDBs query router”, Connect Fivetran to the , mongos, query router node in your MongoDB sharded cluster., Allow port access, Configure your firewall and/or other access control systems to allow incoming connections to all your mongo instances from , “Fivetrans IP”, ” or your SSH tunnel servers IP address.”, SSL support, Our MongoDB connector supports encrypted connection to MongoDB over SSL if your database is setup to allow clients to connect without a certificate., Create user, Create an identical Fivetran user in every primary shard node and the , mongos, query router. Replace , , with a password of your choice., use adminndb.createUser({n user: “fivetran”,n pwd: “”,n roles: [ “readAnyDatabase”, “clusterMonitor” ]n})n, You can pick any username and password, but it must be consistent across all primary shard nodes and the , mongos, query router., The Mongo shell command to create a user is , db.AddUser(), for versions 2.x., If you want to find out which shards are connected to the , mongos, query router, use the command , db.adminCommand({ listShards: 1 }), . , Choose schema prefix, Fivetran maps the schemas we discover in your source database to your destination and prepends the destination schema names with a prefix of your choice. For example, if your original database contains schemas foo and bar and if you choose the prefix , pre then your destination schemas will be , pre_foo, and , pre_bar, ., Connecting with MongoDB Atlas, In order to connect with MongoDB Atlas, follow the steps below:, Create an oplog user, Log in to the , MongoDB Atlas dashboard, ., In the , Security, section of the left menu, select , Database Access, ., Click , New Database User, ., Choose the password authentication method., Enter a username and password for the new user., In the , Database User Privileges, drop-down menu, select , Grant Specific User Privileges, ., Under , Specific Privileges add the following roles/privileges: , readAnyDatabase, read on the local database, clusterMonitor, Click , Add User, ., For general instructions, see , “MongoDB Atlass documentation”, ., Note, “Set the oplog size so that it can retain at least 24 hours worth of changes. We recommend increasing the size to accommodate seven days worth of data. See this “, MongoDB tutorial, to learn how to adjust the size of your oplog or , this MongoDB Atlas Doc, .nIf you are using MongoDB version 4.0 or later, you must do the following:, Enable change streams on all collections for all sharded/replication servers. Learn how in , “MongoDBs access control documentation”, ., Change the read concern to read majority. Learn how in , “MongoDBs write and read concern documentation”, ., Related articles, description, Connector Overview, , account_tree, Schema Information, , assignment, Release Notes, , settings, API Connector Configuration, , home, Documentation Home]

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