Google Ads

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Application

Data Connector Documentation:

[Google Ads, Google Ads, offers a list of available reports and their columns/dimensions/metrics. , Through the setup wizard you can configure your Google Ads connection to query each account – no matter how many you have – and combine them into tables (one per each report) within your destination., You can also load data from different Google Ads accounts into separate schemas within your destination by selecting the relevant accounts and reports you want to load into the schema. , While configuration in the UI, many fields within Google Ads reports cannot be selected in conjunction with other fields, so rather than simply selecting all fields of a report, you may want to review the above link to figure out exactly which metrics you want to sync., “Because of this limitation, if its imperative that you receive fields that conflict with one another, you may need to set up two different reports within one connector (or even another Google Ads connector targeting another schema name).”, NOTE: When requesting your fields, you must also add , date, as a field because we require it for incremental updates., Features, Feature Name, Supported, Notes, Capture Deletes, Custom Data, Data Blocking, Column Hashing, Re-sync, check, Connector level, History, API Configurable, check, Priority-first sync, dbt Package, check, Get the package: , source, / , model, Supported Account types, There are two types of Google Ads accounts. Each account type has its specific access level. , 1. , Manager accounts, “A Manager account (formerly MCC – My Client Center) is a Google Ads account type for advertisers or agencies who are managing multiple client accounts. You can read more about a Manager accounts access levels on “, “Google Adss website”, ., 2. , Client accounts, The client accounts only have access to information stored within their account. Initially, when you have created a client account, it does not have access to the API. To get the API access, the client account needs to be associated with a Google Ads manager account. Once it has been done, you (and Fivetran) can query data for your client account. If you do not already have a manager account, you need to create one by following , “Googles instructions”, ., The following image illustrates the relationship between the client and manager accounts. , The following image illustrates how the accounts get mapped to your destination table:n, Setup guide, Follow our step-by-step , Google Ads setup guide, to connect Google Ads with your destination using Fivetran connectors., Sync overview, Conversion window, A , conversion window, is the period of time after a person interacted with your ad during which the subsequent actions, like a phone call or a purchase, are recorded in Google Ads. By default, Google Ads uses a conversion window of 30 days. If you use the default setting, your reports contain information about the actions that happened within 30 days after a person interacted with your ad. , Since you can specify custom window size for your conversion trackers, you may want to set the same conversion window size in your Google Ads connector. You can set the window size manually in the range of 1 to 90 days, or let Fivetran detect it automatically. , Fivetran performs automatic window detection before each sync. Automatic window detection finds the maximum window size across all the conversion trackers available for the specified accounts. It adds some extra time to each sync, depending on the number of accounts you want to sync. Note that the same conversion window applies to all reports configured in the connector., NOTE: If you set your window size manually and select a window size smaller than what you set in Google Ads, you will lose some conversion data. If you select a window size bigger than you have, there will be some excessive syncs leading to an unwanted increase in your Monthly Active Rows. , Enabling and disabling syncs for your reports, “On the connectors schema tab, you can enable or disable the sync for any report you previously set up. The schema tab shows the table name you chose to correspond to the report when you set up the connector. It doesnt show the report name. For that reason, we suggest you name the table something you will find easy to identify.”, Schema information, We provide two types of reports:, Prebuilt Report, Custom Report, For either kind of report, we deliver a single table with three standard fields: , date, customer_id, , fivetran_id, A Prebuilt Report syncs a pre-defined set of fields. , See the full list of our Prebuilt Reports, . , To get a Custom Report, you must select the report type and the fields you wish to sync., Type transformations and mapping, Fivetran transforms types.nIf there is an important type that we are missing that you need, please , reach out to support, ., Updating data, Because Google Ads data is delivered as a pre-defined report, changing the way that it is formatted is a little tricky. Adding or removing fields changes the way the data is aggregated and synced, which requires you to delete the existing table from your destination and perform a full resync of the data. , These steps can get complicated and increase the chances of an error, so we urge you to create an entirely new integration, perhaps syncing into a different schema., Deleted rows, Reports do not support deleted rows because they often record events and data chronologically, so it is impossible to delete data that has already been logged. , Syncing empty tables and columns, Fivetran can sync empty tables and columns for your Google Ads connector. For more information, see our , Features documentation, .]

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