Email Ingestor

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: File

Data Connector Documentation:

[Email, Email CSVs and JSON files to your destination with the Email Connector. The Email Connector extracts one or more attachments from the email, parses the attachment data and uploads them into your warehouse. Emails are deleted once attachments are extracted from it. This is designed for schedule email reports., Note: The email attachments are permanently backed-up in an S3 bucket to preserve the re-sync functionality., Features, Feature Name, Supported, Notes, Capture Deletes, Custom Data, check, All tables and fields, Data Blocking, Column Hashing, Re-sync, check, Connector level, History, API Configurable, check, Priority-first sync, dbt Package, Setup guide, Follow our step-by-step , Email connector setup guide, set up a Fivetran Email connector to send CSVs and JSON files to your destination.]

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