
Snowflake Cost Saving

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Application

Data Connector Documentation:

[AppsFlyer, AppsFlyer, is a mobile app tracking and attribution analytics platform., Features, Feature Name, Supported, Notes, Capture Deletes, Custom Data, Data Blocking, Column Hashing, Re-sync, check, Connector level, History, API Configurable, check, Priority-first sync, dbt Package, Setup guide, Follow our step-by-step , AppsFlyer setup guide, to connect AppsFlyer with your destination using Fivetran connectors., Sync overview, If you use , Data Locker we can sync your historical data. , If you use the default webhooks method to send us data, we cannot sync your historical data. We can only capture data from your connection date forward., Schema information, We sync the events from Data Locker and Webhooks into a common standard table , EVENT, ., Notes, Fivetran requires specific fields from the AppsFlyer PUSH API for schema generation and event de-duplication. When you register the Fivetran-generated Webhook URL on your AppsFlyer dashboard, select the following fields to prevent data integrity issues: , app_id, appsflyer_id, event_name, event_time, event_value, Both Data Locker events (stored in the AppsFlyer S3 bucket) and Push API events have a retention policy of 30 days. In the case that the connector is paused for more than 30 days, events may be lost.]

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