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Apache Kafka

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Data Connector Description:

Data Connector Type: Event

Data Connector Documentation:

[Apache Kafka, Apache Kafka, is a distributed streaming platform., Supported Platforms, Fivetran supports consuming Kafka messages from:, Heroku Kafka, , Confluent Cloud, , Apache Kafka, , Schema information, Fivetran creates one table for each topic.nFor each table it creates , partition , offset , timestamp, and , key, columnsnwhere , partition, and , offset, are the primary keys.nThe , timestamp, column may contain either , create_time, or , log_append_time, as per the server configuration., You can select to sync , packed, or , unpacked, messages.nFor the , packed, messages, Fivetran syncs the message in , value, column.nThe , unpacked, messages must be in , JSON, format.nFor all the first level , JSON, elements, Fivetran creates a separate column.nThe column names are formed using , value_, format., Historical Sync, “After making the connection, Fivetran starts syncing all available messages from the Kafka topics.nIt goes to the earliest available offset for each partition of a topic and starts consuming the messages.nIt loads the messages into the warehouse.nAfter the retention period the messages are deleted from the Kafka topics.nThe deleted messages wont be synced so if you happened to resync the connector it would only fetch the current available messages.”]

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